Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Blessed, I Say Blessed, I Repeat Blessed Are You Who Belong to Christ
Message Given by Our Lady Queen for the Chosen Ones of the End Time to a Soul to Reach the Heart of Every Man
The Mother speaks to the chosen ones
Behold, beloved children, you love your Jesus. You suffer a little to hasten the conversion of your brethren: your King can only count on you. He is so betrayed, deceived, mocked, offended by many men; but you live for Him, give Him everything so that He may be happy with His creatures!
Direct each day your common prayers to a single goal and always unite yourselves entirely, the sacrifices of your day, the moral and sometimes physical pains, every pain. Like fragrant incense, your offering will reach the beloved Father.
He will heal, will attenuate, will pour Dew of Grace on all His Creation: many will be converted, others will seek in you the Light they still cannot find; the natural phenomena will be less destructive because of the prayer of the faithful and when the evil coined by man will disappear, the pain of the sick will be alleviated and some, on the verge of sinning, will think again.
Know, My little children, that prayer, which comes from a pure heart, can do everything, obtains everything, because the Heart of God is very sweet: for a few good ones who implore Him, He forgives many who would deserve immediate punishment.
A few righteous people will make the earth tremble.
A few good people will make the desert bloom, water flow in desolate lands, heal the sick, they will be able to make Grace penetrate hearts as hard as diamond. Think, beloved children, what power there is in the man who is of God: he partakes of His Power, he drinks from that inexhaustible Fountain, from the unfathomable Wealth that is in Him.
Blessed, I say blessed, I repeat blessed are you who belong to Christ: form the firm pillars that support the earth! The Divine Wrath will save much, because you are there, and the days of terrible anguish will be shortened, because you are there. Christ will return to earth soon, soon, soon, because you have called Him and you invite Him, continually, with your tender love!
Come Jesus! Come, beloved Son! Come in the midst of Your people who adore You, glorify Your Name, live for You! Be happy, dear little children. Be happy in Christ.
Mary Most Holy.
Source: ➥