Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Second Call of Our Lady.
- Message No. 931 -
My child. Write and tell the world to convert. Only through your conversion will you find My Son, without change in you HE will remain hidden from you and His graces will be difficult for you to obtain.
My children. My so beloved children. Pray for the conversion and renewal of the hearts of all God's children, for in this way My Son can work in them with the Holy Spirit. He can bestow graces on them and give them His miracles, but you must pray for them so that HE can work in them.
Therefore, My children, I call you again: Come to Me in pilgrimages and pray My rosaries in the intentions I have already named for you. In this way, many more children will find their way to My Son, and blessed are those who have prayed for them, for whom prayers have been made!
The graces of the Lord are great, especially through the prayer of the Rosary this month. So follow My call and come to Me, beloved children! Honor Me and pray My rosaries, for the love released in My heart through your rosary prayer is great, as are the graces flowing to earth through My Son.
Pray, My children, and come to Me in pilgrimages. You delight and honor My Mother Heart that loves you so much.
I love you. Follow My call and take advantage of the month of May. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"My Mother is waiting for you. Your prayer of the Rosary works miracles. Pray, My children, and come to Her. Amen. Your Jesus.
Your rosary prayer has great power. Amen."
Source: ➥