Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Heart of Mary atonement Saturday.
The Heavenly Father speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel in Göttingen through His instrument Anne.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. First of all I would like to say that during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice the angels were brightly lit in gold and glittering silver light. Almost all of them wore golden clothes today and also had golden wings. On their heads they wore wreaths with pearls. The holy archangel Michael struck again with his sword in all four directions. Saint Padre Pio was present. Then I saw the Blessed Mother as Fatima-Madonna in a snow-white robe with golden trimmings. The crown was triple and closed. The altar was completely dipped in gold during the Holy Mass and from outside the angels came from all directions. I saw heaven partially open, because some angels also came out of heaven and moved towards the altar.
Now the Heavenly Father says: My beloved ones, also today I speak to you chosen ones through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and child Anne. She speaks My words and nothing is out of her. My beloved little one, first of all I want to address you and give you some directions to be sent by Me into the world through My technical device, the Internet, which I use for this purpose.
My little one, do you think that I would have left you in this serious illness that you have to go through on My approval? But I do not wish you to have surgery on your sick heart. It is not my wish. Don't you think that your soul is also pierced with your Heavenly Mother today, at this Cenacle that is celebrated all over the world in many places in the world? There My words are proclaimed through My instrument Don Gobbi, whom I have chosen. Not he himself has chosen, but I have chosen him, as I have chosen My messenger Anne for Germany. I want to save my Germany, your fatherland!
Suffer for it with Me and especially with your Heavenly Mother, who on this Saturday is very much venerated by the Marian Priests Movement. It's their party. This Cenacle is kept sacred. A Holy Mass of Sacrifice is celebrated and I wish from this Marian Priests' Movement that they too give and bring me this Holy Mass of Sacrifice. It is My wish and not the wish of My child Anne. It remains my nothing and I will continue to humiliate it, and it continues to take upon itself many victims, much suffering, many mockeries.
I am the Ruler of My Catholic Church May I not found My Church anew, then, when I see it being destroyed and lying in decomposition? It is decomposed by masonic powers and forces all over the world, especially in Germany.
My messengers are persecuted and suffer mockery. But I support them. My little one, have I not always supported you? Why do you not trust Me in this suffering of yours? Can I not support you in everything, even when your strength is on the ground? You will rise again through my power, not through your power. There you will become weaker, because I wish it. Not your will be done, but mine, which you have transferred to me. I thank you for that. I will have to put a lot on you to show the world that I am the Ruler of My Church and of the whole universe.
I am mocked in court judgments and said: "Everything is freedom of expression, everything can be said. One may despise the dignity of man and yet it is allowed and right. Because they have ignored me, the highest God, they have developed these laws without me and without adding mine. They lie in grave sin and are separated from me. That is why, My children, you have had to take this permission upon yourselves. It became known in court that they have wrong laws, that they are allowed to despise people in this way. They mocked me because I was present in this trial. Masonic powers were at work there as well.
My beloved ones, persevere in faithfulness, for My Church is especially attacked at My place of prayer and pilgrimage, the pilgrimage site of My Mother and Queen of Victory, in Wigratzbad. Masonic powers are at work there. They want to destroy everything there. That is why you, My beloved priestly son, have been cast out of this My Original Shrine. I was cast out, not you. You had to go, that is, I had to go. No messages have been allowed to be proclaimed there so far. But I have used the technical device, the Internet, since January 2007. Already almost 60,000 people have used this Internet because they want to hear My messages. This cannot be from My little one. It certainly does not have this knowledge, but it is I who speak and work through it. I set My dates, not as you wish, but as I wish.
Now I have intervened in this house chapel in Gestratz. Yes, at first it looked as if everything was lost and everything was in vain. But believe, my children, I hold fast to it because I wish it that from there my messages are announced worldwide through the Internet. Even if I am condemned and mocked at the moment and I am attacked in the highest degree at this place, by persecuting My messenger and My priest son Rudi, as I would like to call him today, so that he also gets into the Internet by name.
Yes, I will reveal many things, including the sins of My priests. Do you believe that I am imposing this on you as punishment, My beloved sons of priests? No, out of mercy and love I want to save you. Your Heavenly Father in the Trinity speaks to you and you push me out because you say, "I do not need words and appointments from the Heavenly Father. You, My beloved priestly son Thomas, have spoken these words. Can you answer for this to yourself? Do you think you will not be asked even on the last day in responsibility what you have done, not as director, but as My appointed priest's son? This director is of the world, but you are called for My Church. But you do not obey me. You obey the wishes of the Freemasons. Can't you feel it on your own body? Don't you feel it in your life how people are looking for you, how they demand everything from you? On the other hand, I put My messenger with My messages and you do not obey them. You push her out, because she was with you personally. I have sent them. It was not you who wanted them. She has said My words in this room where you were also present with a witness, this priest whom you have drawn to your side. You used him as a witness. You also bear this responsibility for him all alone. Not he who has let himself be used for this is responsible, but you alone, you my priestly son, whom I still want to have mercy on, because I see many priests standing at the abyss, and I want to save them all. I want to save them from this eternal abyss.
I have sent My daughter, My beloved Gloria Polo, into the world to bear witness to hell. How cruel is this 'being eternally in hell'. I have shown it to her and she testifies to the world for me. It stands only in my strength, not in its own it could create and master all this. She travels into the world to announce Me, to keep men from sin, from grave sin. Especially the youth wants to bring them back to me. The purity, the purity of My dearest and most beautiful Mother, I show you before your eyes especially today in this Cenacle. Look, all sweetness embodies it, all purity. She is the queen of the angels and even mother and queen of the priests. She wants to save you and she wants to embrace you again because she prays with me for you and she sees you standing at the abyss and weeps tears of blood for you in many places, so also in my place of prayer and pilgrimage Heroldsbach. These tears of My mother have been rejected.
Yes, one mocks My Heavenly Mother. But this will not remain unpunished, because I am the ruler of the whole world. I am the Almighty God, the great Triune God. Do you believe that I let everything happen and can do nothing and only watch My Church being destroyed? No, I will resurrect them gloriously, and from My place of law many messages will be proclaimed and go into the world, which will make men wake up from their death sleep. They will be raised by me and I draw them to me through my words. And quite soon you will realize that my messenger is nothing for Germany. That it can have nothing of itself, that it bears everything in my strength and in my love. She has become weak and you may recognize her human weaknesses and she may reveal them because she is human and remains nothing but human. But I work in it because I wish it. The Heavenly Father in the Trinity will always continue to work and speak through them. Believe in the words she speaks for me. They are my words and they are my messages, because nothing is out of it.
My little one, My faithful one, stays with Me! Believe in everything! Obey My truths and let yourselves be persecuted, hostile and mocked, for the road to Golgotha is steep and rocky! My little one will go ahead of you. Hurry after it and don't stop! Sometimes you think you are going to lie down. But I will then lift you up again. Just as I have fallen, so you too will be able to fall and after falling be able to get up again when you think you have to remain lying because it seems too heavy for you. Then I come and carry this cross with you. I'll pick you up.
My beloved priestly son, I thank you for this Cenacle today, which you have celebrated in all reverence and laid out the Fraternita. You will still be able to do my will and follow my words because I support you. Only in my power will you be able to go on.
My little one, you too will go with me tomorrow to Fulda to my Pius-Brotherhood. I give you my strength for this. Do not be afraid because of your heart disease, for I am with you.
I thank you, My little Dorothea, that you have decorated the altar of My mother today for this day so festively with yellow, white and red roses, as I wished. I have guided your hand.
My beloved Clementine, you have taken care of the physical well-being of my little one. With this you have supported them. I thank you for that as well.
I also thank you, My Catherine, for always supporting My little one with words and with deeds, when she is lying on the ground and thinks she will succumb to her illnesses, her heavy heart disease.
No, this is My permission, nothing else, My little one. Do not remain in these fears, but let yourself be lifted up again. This sickness is wanted by Me, and you will continue to bear it. At the moment your soul is pierced by pain because you are taking part in the pain of My Mother, because soon the Feast of Seven Sorrows will be celebrated.
A few more days and you will experience the day of My Exaltation of the Cross, when My Holy Father, whom I have chosen for Germany, proclaimed through the Motu Proprio My Holy Mass of Sacrifice so that it will continue to be celebrated in all places. But My Holy Father is hindered and shackled to fulfill My wishes. Believe in it! I also support him through your prayer and your sacrifice. Hold out! Become stronger and more courageous and grow in love, because love is the greatest and in Divine Love you can do everything and will grow stronger, because I, the great God, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, love you boundlessly, My beloved ones. Amen.
I bless you now and let you grow stronger through this blessing, through this triple blessing. Also today on this day your dearest Mother and the great host of angels, the saints who were at the altar, all bless you now in the Trinity, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You are loved from eternity, and this love has no end! Amen.