Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Heart of Mary atonement Saturday and Cenacle.

Our Lady speaks after the Cenacle and the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the House Chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Already during the rosary and adoration the altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary was bathed in bright light. The Blessed Mother often lifted her blue rosary high and wanted to tell us: Pray it, because it is time.

Our Lady will speak: I, the Heavenly Mother, will speak to you today, this day, after I have brought you into the Pentecost Hall, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument Anne, who is wholly in My Will of the Heavenly Father and speaks only words that come from heaven, today from Me, your beloved Mother.

My beloved children of Mary, My beloved little group, today, on this Saturday of Atonement of the Heart of Mary, you have celebrated the Cenacle in all reverence. You entered the Pentecost Hall and I was allowed to ask you, as Mother and Bride of the Holy Spirit, many instructions for the coming time.

My beloved children, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, My beloved followers, I am the Mother of beautiful love, I am also the Mother of the Rosary I teach you the virtues, and again and again I ask for the spirit of knowledge, the fear of the Lord, patience, faithfulness and love. All are fruits which I will ask you, and which I have already asked you for.

Do not be afraid in this coming time, My beloved children. Yes, I have prophesied to you that your sufferings will be deep as the sea. Now you are facing a great suffering. It is incomprehensible for you, humanly seen, to accept this, but in the Divine Power you will master it and I, your dearest Mother, will stand by you. I do not leave you alone, because I have endured the greatest suffering myself, as Mother of the whole world and as Queen of the Universe.

Here, in this house in Mellatz, much suffering has been endured up to now. The atonement sufferings increase and are inexplicable to you, my beloved ones. You cannot understand it because you think that the Heavenly Father must tell you a completely different plan. But His plan is changing, My beloved children.

People are insatiable in their worldly desires. They live in the world and enjoy the world. Many priests and many believers have been prompted by your prayer, but they have rejected the graces of the Holy Spirit. This hurts Me, the Heavenly Mother, very much, especially when My priestly sons reject suffering. Have you not all matured through suffering? Can we exclude suffering when My Son Jesus Christ went to the cross for all of you? Has He not endured the greatest suffering for your sins, and how does He still suffer today? Do you, My beloved children of Mary, not want to accept in the first place your great suffering, especially when it is incomprehensible to you, when it does not correspond at all to your desires, but to the desires of the Heavenly Father, which you do not understand? I, as Heavenly Mother, want to support you in this time, because I know how difficult it is for you to go through this.

You, my beloved little flock, have to bear the greatest suffering, because two atonement souls in the House of Glory have received the most severe atonement sufferings. This is incomprehensible to you, especially today, because you should be in Wigratzbad on this atonement Saturday. You wanted to pray there at this place with your followers, because the followers also make great efforts to cover these long distances to be once at My place Wigratzbad and especially to pray in the Night of Atonement for the apostate sons of priests who do not obey My Son and above all, do not want to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trentine Rite according to Pius V. They are not ready for it, not even here in this place of grace Wigratzbad. These are great sufferings that I have to endure.

Therefore I ask you, my beloved children of Mary, gather around Me. I will spread My wide mantle over you and protect you then when you bear witness to faith, when you do not develop human fears but the fear of God. It is to push you forward in your zeal to fight for heaven and to stand up for the truth, even if you have to suffer many persecutions and humiliations.

Have I not, as your dearest mother, always been with you? Have I not supported you in your suffering? Have I left you alone? No! I did not do this because I love you and because I want to give you to My Son. He needs this comfort from you. Can you imagine that in all this suffering My Son Jesus Christ finds only a few followers of the Holy Sacrificial Feast? They are not willing to live the truth, to bear witness to the truth and to follow it. Obeying, My beloved sons of priests, is the greatest thing that My Son Jesus Christ asks of you.

Are you not My sons of priests whom I want to lead to My Son Jesus Christ, to the Holy Sacrificial Feast, as a sacrificial priest? Where are you, My sons? Are you lost? Are you confused that you cannot know the truth after so many instructions from the Heavenly Father? But you recognize the truth, but much malice is in you. You have become stubborn and hostile to the Divine Instructions. Everything is clearly evident in the messages that my daughter Anne announces to the world, because it is not she who speaks, but the Heavenly Father gives her His instructions, which she repeats. How easy it is to recognize that she, My beloved daughter, cannot give these instructions of her own accord, but that it must be heaven. If you read these messages carefully, you will feel that it is heaven speaking and not her, the messenger. You reject these messages from the outset. You do not want them. Why not? You do not want to bring about a change, on the contrary, you want to remain as you are, namely, to take everything lightly and to swim along in the great stream.

The Heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit wants to educate you as personalities. Each individual priest has his own task to accomplish and not that of someone else, and certainly does not want them to swim in the great stream and put themselves on the same level as everyone else. If then the lion roars, all will roar with it. Will they defy Satan and stand up for the truth when it is necessary? Is it so, My beloved sons of priests? Are you then in the front line in the fight against Satan and do you fight with Me, your dearest mother, and do you rally around Me?

You see the flag of victory, the flag of victory of My Son Jesus Christ, which He raised to make you aware of the goal. You have to keep your eyes on the goal and not sink any further into the mire, into the chaos, into the chaos of this church. What does this church still offer today? Where are the true cardinals, bishops, archbishops? Where is the true Holy Father? Can you recognize him? Can you believe him when he teaches you erroneous belief? May you then follow him and say, "I am Catholic after all. And if I am Catholic, I must listen to the Church, even if the Holy Father announces otherwise. Whom must you obey? Me or the world? You must do everything for My Son Jesus Christ, who went to the cross for all of you, who did not say no when it became more and more difficult. I, as Mother and Coredemptrix, have remained under His Cross until the last moment in humility and love and as Coredemptrix of the whole world and the whole Church.

Here I stand today, My beloved children, and gather you around Me because I love you, because I believe in you. That which you do not see is valuable to you. This means your faith, because you let yourselves be led and guided. Faith in Providence is important for you. Whatever the Heavenly Father desires of you, you fulfill Him because you love Him and because you want to be with Him. As humble little children you give yourselves to Him by the hand and let Him guide you and do not give up and persevere until the last moment in the severity of the illness and in the tribulations. Courage is needed, courage and endurance, love and loyalty. This you have proved so far, my beloved little flock. And so you will continue to do so in this most difficult time. I love you, your Heavenly Mother, who strengthens you with the whole heaven.

In the Trinity I bless you now in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to all Heaven and follow the instructions of the Heavenly Father to the letter, and you will be protected. Amen.


