Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Seventeenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the sickroom through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father says: Today you have been allowed to celebrate the 17th Sunday after Pentecost with a Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. It was so determined by Me, the Heavenly Father. You, My little one, did not expect to receive this groundbreaking message today from Me, your Heavenly Father, for those who believe.

I will put prophetic words in your mouth that you cannot explain to yourself. This message will not only be groundbreaking for you, but also the most difficult message. This will not be easy for you.

You, My little one, will have to take upon yourself the most severe sufferings you have ever experienced. You have the greatest suffering, the world suffering, to endure with your small flock and your followers. I will not go into this synod of bishops. This is not important for you right now. My little one and her world suffering will be bearing for all of you. If she would not declare herself willing to continue to endure these sufferings, I could not work in her through My Son Jesus Christ, who is now again being crucified in her by almost all the sons of priests, by the bishops and the entire Curia. That is their world suffering.

Dirt has seized Germany and the Catholic Church. You have gambled away the mission of your fatherland, My beloved sons of priests on whom I have placed my bets. Therefore I must suffer in My little one. That is why she suffers the greatest aridity, abandonment and loneliness in her heart, because she thinks that I, the Heavenly Father, have also abandoned her. My Son Jesus Christ experienced this abandonment on the cross when I had to leave Him as Heavenly Father. He said, "My father, why hast thou forsaken me?" And you now experience this abandonment in you, through my Son Jesus Christ, my beloved little one, whom I love above all things and to whom I must inflict the greatest pain. It is hard for me to see you suffer so much. You have been bedridden for 10 weeks and are not even able to experience the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the house chapel. You are not able to take care of yourself at the moment, but through your double broken arm, you are completely dependent on outside help, on the help of your little flock that supports you and is with you. Your human powers have left you completely. You can only rely on the power of God.

Your Heavenly Father has not forsaken you in your aridity, as you think. You cry out to heaven, yes, you cry out to heaven day and night, because this loneliness is the hardest one for you to endure now. Your Heavenly Father is putting you through this. Tears you cry day and night, heaviest pains accompany you, and yet it is my will and plan.

This is My message today to you, My beloved little one. You will not be so taken with this message, because it does not lift you out of this darkness, because darkness has taken hold of the whole Fatherland Germany. Germany has missed its show. Is that not bitter for your Heavenly Father? Germany has missed its mission, I say it again. It is not the stream of refugees that enters the homeland, but the Islamists. They will kill each other. They will slaughter each other. Isn't that bitter? It is a devilish faith that comes to Germany, and you Germans have let it in.

You German priests, where were you when it was time to pray and sacrifice? My little one was ready. She has said 'yes father' for you and expects that you feel why My little one is so atoned for, why she suffers so. You have not taken this suffering away from her; on the contrary, you have made it worse.

You, in Wigratzbad, have missed the great mission. You, the leader, have brought the greatest suffering on My little one. You despised them and your so-called deacon helped you. The evil one has come within you and exercises his power within you. You will soon realize that I am the ruler of Wigratzbad, not you. With a swipe of a finger I can sweep you away if I want to. My arm of wrath I have raised for a long time now, and the arm of wrath becomes effective in the Islamists. One kingdom will rise against another and one people against another. The apocalypse will become more and more effective. You only need to believe in them. Faith will help you. When you begin to no longer live faith, but fail completely, then I can no longer protect you. But you, My little ones, believe.

If you, My little prophetess, think you are completely abandoned, you must remember that the human power was at the end, but not the divine one. The divine has held you. And in the divine power you have not failed. You said, "I am a failure," no, you are not, on the contrary, you are My beloved little one whom I embrace and whom I forgive everything. You could not help but feel suddenly abandoned by your Heavenly Father and uttered words that you could not explain to yourself. This deep abandonment and dryness gripped you yesterday. How hard it was for Me, the Heavenly Father, to leave you in this abandonment, although I would have loved to take your hand and get you out, but I had to allow this suffering. It was meant for you. It was your cross, which you willingly took upon yourself and still do now. You do not leave Me, your Heavenly Father. You have never left me, on the contrary, because this world suffering has become incomprehensibly great for you. The cross is incredibly heavy. With all that belongs to it, you have taken it upon yourself for the world, for those who do not believe, for those who do not praise Me, do not praise Me and despise Me, deny Me, like this director in Wigratzbad.

I, wanted to save him from eternal disaster, from the eternal fall into hell. And still I want to save him, because I do not wish that someone sinks into the eternal abyss. But the wicked man has come where hatred and discord reigns. Where this so-called deacon was willing to put the lie first. You were led by Me, the Heavenly Father, and you spoke the truth. But this truth was considered a lie by the prosecution. You will have to pay for this lie from the other side. But I also want that. You are persecuted to the highest degree and this is My plan because My Son Jesus Christ has had to experience the greatest sufferings and persecutions in you and will continue to do so. But the victory will turn out differently than the other side expects. The victory will belong to My Heavenly Mother. She will be the victorious queen and I the king in your hearts. You will win the eternal crown. Is that not the greatest thing you can expect?

Your Heavenly Mother was always with you. The angels will support you in the last worst sufferings I expect from you. In the desolation and abandonment, my little one, I am. You will not feel it. You will often be despondent, even desperate. But is that not normal? You see the human power and not the divine in you. The divine power will triumph and not the human one. You will lose the human power. And in this human power you will utter words that you yourself do not understand. But you will become my little prophetess, who speaks words that will be prophetic and point the way for the whole world. Believe that I, the Heavenly Father, direct and guide you and unfortunately have to use you as a pawn because the priests do not listen to Me.

You are the only messenger who, in full obedience, gives Me the consolation of being allowed to say everything through you and to exercise in you completely My efficacy. Many messengers and messengeresses will fall away in this most difficult time, because it seems too difficult for them to climb the mountain to Golgotha. But you, My little one, have daily the Holy Mass of Sacrifice which supports you and in which I can and may work with My Son Jesus Christ. A Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which alone contains the full stream of graces, through which all who wish to experience it will be supported and protected, and when it is according to the DVD, has the full power of action, and the stream of graces will be effective in you.

Believe it, My beloved followers. Continue to support My little one as before and increase your prayer and atonement. Pay attention to me, the heavenly Father, and always remember that this means the most difficult time, the abandonment and dryness in my little one, which I do not like to inflict on her. But with a heavy heart I have to allow it. I also had to let my dearest mother experience this dryness. Why? Because I am love. And love demands the highest of the lovers. To those whom I love best I must inflict the greatest suffering on them, but it is the suffering of love, and you do not yet understand that, my little one. It is the suffering that I give you out of love. One day you will be able to thank for this suffering. It is not so far yet. You will still lament and often despair because it seems too hard for you. Remember then that I have placed a mother by your side: The Heavenly Mother, the angels and the saints. You will be the only one to suffer the martyrdom in your soul, the full martyrdom, this great world suffering. You may lament and sometimes be discouraged, but never stray from this path, never say, "No, Father, now I understand nothing. I'm giving up everything." You must not, my little one, - give that up. In every situation I will support you, then, when you say, "I understand nothing, Father. I suffer unspeakable torments, but you will help me to willingly endure these torments to the end. Unspeakably hard it is for you, - unspeakably hard, but it is your way, it is your cross, which you alone have to bear as world sufferings. I have put your little flock and your followers by your side.

Isn't it good that I have given you My little Monika by your side? Is that nothing? Can't you see that you would not have been able to get along without her? It was bound to happen. This is the task she takes on - completely. You, My little flock, each one of you has been given his own task. You will be able to fulfill them completely if you believe in my omnipotence and omnipotence and not in your power on which you can rely. Also My Monica cannot rely on her power, only on the Divine, she will become effective in you. You will master everything in this power. You will not understand many things. You, too, will rebel, because much suffering will still come upon you. Atonement and suffering, where you say: "Heavenly Father, did you want it this way? I do not understand why everything has to happen like this." And yet it will happen as it is in my plan and not in your plan. You can't steer anything. You are incompetent and you need completely My Divine help.

Look at the suffering of My little ones. It is the greatest suffering. Do not forget to always support them in their suffering. So far you have done everything and I thank you, also you, my beloved followers. You have not failed. And you, my little one, have not failed either, as you think. You are suffering, and in this suffering you will not be able to understand much of what your Heavenly Father expects of you. You say, "Heavenly Father, have you forsaken and forgotten me?" How could I ever forget you? But abandonment is the dryness you experience. You will not understand it because it is incomprehensible to you. Everything will be revealed in it that does not take place according to your will and desire. You will sometimes think, "Have I lost my mind? Where am I, where do I stand?" But then your Heavenly Father loves you the most, because you have given Me everything. Remember that. You said, "Everything, Heavenly Father, for you. My will and my mind you shall have." Hence this suffering, because in suffering lies the goal and the fulfillment. One day you will feel it and know that the Heavenly Father had to demand everything from you because the world is too bad and because the Catholic Church is completely devastated. If I, the Heavenly Father, in My Son would not hold them, they would only be trampled underfoot, because in Germany the mire, the greatest dirt, has penetrated the Catholic Church. And all this the Heavenly Father experiences in His Son and in the purest of all the pure, the Heavenly Mother, who weeps and laments with Her and My Son Jesus Christ, Her only Son, whom She gave birth to. As Coredemptrix she has to suffer everything, and you are her children. Do you expect something else from Her, the Heavenly Mother? Do you, as her children, not want to suffer with her? Do you not want to go this ordeal with her? Go with her. Goes by your hand. You are not abandoned. You have the greatest bond of love in her. You must not forget that. If you despair, She is right beside you and supports you with trillions of angels that She sends down. Day and night she begs at the throne of the Heavenly Father that you do not give up. I beg you: Never give up, you who believe and trust. Faith, hope and love will carry you through the most difficult times.

This is a great pioneering message to all of you that I have given you today. You, My little one, have received and passed on these words in My power. In your power you will not be able to do this. Do not rely on your strength. Always remember that you are held only by the Divine Power. But this is the last way, the way to Golgotha. This now means for you to climb up Calvary to the top and not to despair in the greatest suffering, but to suffer it because My Son Jesus Christ in you is now being crucified by His priest sons. From his beloved sons of priests the crown of thorns is pressed on him. He is scourged by His priests and beaten on the cross. Oh, beloved sons of priests, how much I warned you and you did not obey. I went after you and you were not there. You live modernism, and in it the devil has his power. The wicked one will ensnare and seduce you, for he is cunning.

I bless you now with Divine Power, with Divine Love, with Divine Trust and Divine Fidelity. Faithful unto death, my beloved, so shall you be. This is my love that I pour out on you. I love you immeasurably, those who believe, especially My beloved little flock and followers. I bless you in the Trinity, with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to me and go this hardest way only in love. Amen.


