Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Easter Sunday.
The Heavenly Father speaks after a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, April 1, 2018, Easter Sunday, you have celebrated a worthy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.
My beloved ones, many days of atonement, penance and sacrifice have preceded these days. You celebrated Holy Thursday, the feast of the institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Good Friday liturgy and also the Easter Vigil, the 2 ½ hours, with dignity. I am especially grateful to My priest's son for giving Me this worthy celebration in spite of his old age. Everything had a sacred atmosphere. For this I express my heartfelt thanks to you all in the name of all heaven. These last days have been precious because you have endured despite the many preparations and sufferings.
The altar of sacrifice was again richly decorated with many different flowers and it looked like a carpet of blossoms. The angels and also the archangels moved in and out joyfully. They worshipped the Blessed Sacrament again and again and above all the Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Today we have placed the statue of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ with the victory flag on the altar of sacrifice. There He had His place of honor as every year and from tonight on He will be visible for everyone with a chain of lights in the window of the house church until Trinity Sunday. Thus all passing cars and people are blessed.
The Heavenly Father will speak today:.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Alleluia, alleluia, the Lord is risen indeed, yes, He is risen indeed from the dead alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
My children rejoice with Me, the Heavenly Father, because My Son Jesus Christ has truly risen from the dead. The grave is empty. The sufferings of the Way of the Cross have been overcome. He is now among us. He shows you His wounds full of joy because He has overcome everything. All agony has now come to an end. For the dear Mother of God, too, these sufferings now have an end. She can now rejoice in her Risen Savior. She has gone along this Way of the Cross of your Son and thus has become Coredemptrix. Her only Son, the Son of God, was crucified not for His sins, but for the burden of the sins of the whole world. He, the blameless one, He who was without sin, took the sinfulness of all people upon Himself to atone for it.
Therefore rejoice, My beloved ones. You have received the Holy Sacrament of Confession on these days of Holy Week. Thank My beloved ones for this because not many have recognized that it is a grace to receive this sacrament on special days. In heaven there is rejoicing and thankfulness because the suffering that the Savior has borne has now come to an end. The angels and also the Blessed Mother are delighted that all the suffering of Lent is over. My Son Jesus Christ has risen from the dead and has thus gained the victory.
You too, My children, shall share in these joys. You, too, have felt and suffered with us during Lent. You have survived it to the extent that the Heavenly Father has willed of you. You were ready to keep the fasting period and thus prepare yourselves for Easter. You have said a willing "yes Father" to your crosses, as the Heavenly Father has demanded of you through your suffering on the cross. Thus you also have won, you who have not thrown down your crosses.
Many people try to distract themselves during this time and perceive worldly diversions. This is not according to the Father's will. Lent is there to make us aware of how weak we humans are. We are all dependent on the help of God. Without accepting His love, we remain poor and sinful people who want to distract themselves, but do not want to take on the cross and suffering.
Who would like to experience a really merry Easter, must have gotten through also the preparation time of a chamfering time. Whoever can now rejoice from the heart has also felt that the Risen Lord Jesus Christ comes to meet us if we want to accept His love. Jesus Christ is the victor over death and also over life. He holds the whole world in His hand.
The people who do not turn to him cannot experience this Easter joy in their hearts either. They want to travel on these days to experience the worldly joys. But the heart remains empty. They are only transitory joys.
You, My beloved sons of priests, are called to be chosen. It is not a profession you have chosen as a priest. It is a calling if you take your election as a priest seriously. Each one of you is called by My Son Jesus Christ as a priest and this calling takes place in the heart. There must be a love present.
Do you know My beloved sons of priests, what this means for you? Chosen means to be called. It is not a profession like any other. Some priests still see it as a job like any other profession. Then it is surely the wrong way, because the love is missing, the love for the Triune God. Every priest today should feel in his heart: "I am a chosen one whom the dear God loves in a very special way. But this love is also to be reciprocated.
Every priest should be a sacrificial priest and therefore should stand at a sacrificial altar and not at a grinding table. He may celebrate the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, especially on this Easter Day, at a sacrificial altar. This is Jesus' wish and will. Then something happens which cannot be explained and fathomed, namely a mystery of God. .
From the priest himself then comes the wish: "I want to give my Jesus a worthy Holy Mass, for I want to become one with Him. It is the desire of my heart, for with Him I unite myself completely in transformation. I become one with Him. Only the loving God and I are one. This holy sacrificial banquet must again become public throughout the whole world. The love between God and man becomes one. He Himself is the love and out of love He has sacrificed Himself for all people. Only many do not want to accept this sacrifice of the loving God. One could also say it is a sacrifice of love, because love must come first. The Lamb of God offers Himself again and again for us. We are sinners and come to him as sinners. He has mercy on our sinful and imperfect soul.
Always we may go to him, for his mercy knows no bounds, if man honestly and openly confesses Jesus. .
We may thank him for every Holy Sacrificial Feast that we may celebrate at the sacrificial altars. We have come to knowledge by the grace of God.
Give yourselves all to Him, for He is the Risen Victor, the Lord over life and death, so that you may celebrate Easter in true joy. You shall experience these joys of victory, my children. They are joys of thanksgiving and joys of love. Your love also unites with him. When you give yourselves completely to him in your human love and this love is then united with Divine Love, it becomes completely one and strives for perfection and holiness. This remains a wonderful mystery between God and man. The great and mighty God connects with us sinful human beings. We remain sinful. Whether we like it or not, we cannot exist without the love of God. Even though many people think that it is easier to live without God. This is only a short time, because then we feel our imperfections .
For this reason, the loving God has also given us as a legacy the Holy Sacrament of Penance, not only the Holy Eucharist but also the Holy Sacrament of Penance. If our burden of sin is upon us, we can let ourselves be freed from this burden, for he forgives us. If our sins were also red as blood, He would have gone to the cross for you alone. He, Jesus Christ, forgives, not the priest, for in Jesus' name our sins are forgiven. It is He who took the burden of sin upon Himself, and He is also He who forgives us again and again. .
Remember, My beloved ones, that this is a great blessing for you, especially in this Easter time. Jesus Christ also wants to resurrect in our souls. He showed us that after this misery a new morning can dawn if we are honest with ourselves and repent of our sins. After pain and suffering a new morning, an Easter day of resurrection can follow. This Easter day will then be joy and gratitude. I, the loving God the Father, want to let these joys of victory shine into your hearts.
The Blessed Mother may also rejoice in Her Son. She has borne the greatest sufferings as Coredemptrix. Their suffering is now also over. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ first showed Himself to the Mother of God. The longing of the dear Mother of God for Her Son Jesus Christ, who bore His sufferings for all mankind and can no longer be with her, is immeasurably great. We cannot understand this with our human mind. My Son Jesus Christ was grateful to His Mother because She was ready to go through this suffering for mankind.
Also you, My beloved ones, each one of you has a special way of suffering to go, which is predetermined. Take Our Lady to help you, for She will go along with you on this path of suffering and help you to walk this path until the end. Do not give up when it becomes difficult and do not despair. Taste the joys in the time of grace of Easter. They will give you the strength to endure the most difficult hours of life. Everything I am telling you and advising you, your dearest Heavenly Mother has had to experience. For this reason I have given her to you as a mother to make your life easier. .
Kiss the wounds of the Savior as you have done every year. These wounds have healed you. They will continue to heal you in body and soul.
So I thank you, My beloved ones, for your perseverance, for your counter-love and for your faithfulness.
I bless you with the blessing of the Easter Blessing, which your priest solemnly bestowed on you today on Easter Sunday at 12:00 noon.
Unfortunately, this current pope is in heresy and therefore cannot validly give the Easter blessing "Urbi et Orbi". Continue to pray for his knowledge and conversion.
Be blessed in love with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You are loved from eternity. Alleluia! The suffering is over. The victory is certain for you, the victory of the Risen One. Amen.
The altar from the house church in Göttingen with the Risen Savior. .