Final Preparations

Important Appeal from God The Father to All!

Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)

Red Alert

The END of our Freedom, of our Existence

The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world, its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic; these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast, to millions of human beings. (Continue)


Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, June 1, 2020

Second day of Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing, obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:30 and 19:00.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, will also give you a message today, the second day of Pentecost, because it is of great importance for all of you. My beloved children.

Time is hurrying My beloved children. A new time has dawned and you cannot understand it, because the lack of faith has reached such a great extent that there can be no new beginning, as it looks like. But the Heavenly Father still has possibilities where man has none.

So, My beloved children, follow My new plan which you cannot see through. But I will guide you when you hand over your will to me completely. It will not be easy for all of you to pass the fight that is about to begin.

The people will rebel against this deprivation of liberty, which is now planned and will be enforced by the government.

The vaccination compulsion is in the coming and in the current planning. The chip is to be implanted. Unfortunately, many do not see through what happens to the individual people. Most people do not have the Holy Spirit, but rather the Unspirit through the many serious offences and sins. They have no perspective and let themselves be pulled along by the great stream. The Corona Crisis has created such chaos that it is unbelievable. The people are full of panic, because many are faced with nothing and do not know how to feed their families. Unemployment is spreading and short-time work is in the foreground. There are many relationships that break apart. The suffering is incomprehensible. The school achievements of the children are no longer given, because the mask duty is superficial. The diseases are increasing and so is despair.

Unfortunately the priests are no longer pastors. They have retired and do not look at the plight of the many parishioners. Confessions have almost all been abolished. The sacraments are also largely no longer available. A complete emptiness has entered into the hearts of the people.

This feast of Pentecost My beloved ones should tell you that the Holy Spirit should be prayed for. But today's believers no longer find prayer. The rosary has been completely forgotten. It has just become old-fashioned and nobody is asking for it. The believers are dying out more and more and the young people are living their own lives in the world. They pursue their pleasures and do not think of their soul, for which it hungers. It is a suffering without end.

But how shall it go on without this faith? Souls wither away and people are without support. They do indeed ask for help. But they seek help in other religions. Hopelessness is increasing everywhere and the suicide rate is rising.

Moreover, the murders in the womb are becoming more and more One has no conscience anymore because everyone does it today. It has become a generality. But all mothers become unhappy and cannot find a priest to make them aware of Holy Confession.

This time of distress has now dawned and the virus of the soul continues to rampage without interruption. .

My beloved children, pray without ceasing and do not let up in the readiness for sacrifice, because you can expiate many things, because everything must be atoned for. .

The intervention is imminent, but man continues to slip further astray and cannot be enlightened by My messengers, whom I have long since ordered to dissuade mankind from its weaknesses and wrong attitudes.

It will still be a long way until you feel that you can't go on like this we have to do something and commit ourselves. It is a matter of life and death.

I am the ruler of the whole world and I do not leave My faithful alone. I will gather them around me from all ends of the earth. They will listen to my words because they know me. I have gone to the Father, says Jesus My Son of God to ask the Holy Spirit for you. If you have the right insight, you will leave the wrong path and take the straight path.

Now when I tell you that from this small town of Mellatz the New Church will go out, you cannot understand it and you cannot believe it. It is My house of glory and this house I will not let be taken away from Mellatz.

But the evil one will continue to try. He has his joy in unsettling you.

My beloved children, I the Heavenly Father, will let a deep love flow into you and the embers of the love of the Holy Spirit will be given to you in the near future.

It will be a love that will also show itself outwardly.

You will meet people who can expect a conversion just by your appearance. This time of conversion will now dawn. I, the Heavenly Father, wish that many more believers in the Catholic Church will follow the right path of the traditional church.

The great division of the Catholic Church must be forced. This will reveal a deep touch of the souls. My beloved children, this is my time, which has dawned. Many things will no longer be as they are at the moment  .

The Corona crisis has caused a deep cut in the souls of the faithful. Living together in the individual families will also be different. You will feel that there must be a loving God who holds the whole world in His hands. This corona time is also a time of reflection.

You will realize that you are not only making vacation plans, but that you can also feel comfortable in a good home. You will feel that you can't constantly change relationships without experiencing serious consequences. The cohesion of people has to be different. I, the loving father, have assigned a special mission to each person and this mission can be accepted or not .

I, the loving Father, am still seeking to draw many lost sheep to My side. .

The true Catholic Church will be a Church of love. To pass on love will be the first commandment The faithful must find a new way to share joy and suffering. The feelings for the other must be awakened in the individual souls. Then peace and joy will be able to return .

They are not utopias, My beloved ones. It is the True One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that is brought into being.

Yes, My beloved ones, from the House of Glory the New Church is really coming out. Be patient and always face new challenges. But also be vigilant because many people will envy you for your deep faith. They will not be able to understand how you can calmly cope with the many problems of moving. The divine help and power will be given to you.

Help each other, My beloved ones, so that My plan and Divine Will may be fulfilled. I am with you all days and you are under my protection.

I love you boundlessly. You are My faithful. I bless you now with all the angels and saints with the Mother of Victory and Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The time of love and of tremendous upheaval is close at your door. Do not be afraid but believe. Trust in the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father. .


