Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Holy Eucharist, I adore You, love You, praise You and worship You, my God and my King. Thank You for Holy Mass this morning and Holy Communion, my Jesus. Thank You for the beautiful homily (name withheld) gave and for his priesthood. Please bless him in his new assignment, Lord. Be with all the priests who will be making transitions to other parishes, Lord. Help them to adjust to their new roles and parishes and help the parishioners adjust to them.
Jesus, I bring my concern for the welfare of the little girl (name withheld) who lost her mother and was just taken from her grandparents and given to her dad who hasn’t seen her all her life. He said he won’t raise her in the Catholic faith and seems to disdain his daughter’s grandparents. Lord, they didn’t get to speak nor did their attorney as the judge did not allow them to present their case. Jesus, (name withheld) father was previously arrested for choking his girlfriend. I am concerned for (name withheld) welfare, Jesus. How can she be put through so much loss at one time when she is so little. Protect her, Jesus. Convert her dad so that he becomes a believer and follower of God. Comfort and console her grandparents who have recently lost their daughter and now their granddaughter. Lord, send someone to help (name withheld) and to return her to her grandparents where she is loved and well cared for. Lord, surely it is not Your Will for (name withheld) to be with someone she doesn’t know, who is hostile to the faith and who has a violent temper when she could live with grandparents who love her and who are devout Catholics. She is comfortable with them and must have felt close to her mother when she was with them. Please rescue her, Jesus. Help her grandparents with what they should do next. I know You are well aware of this situation, Jesus but You said to bring every concern and problem to You. Jesus, I also bring (name withheld) to You. He is having severe back pain, Lord and is in the emergency room. Please help him to bear this trial and may everything come out smoothly with no major spine problems. Comfort and console (names withheld) as I am sure they are so very concerned. Lord, I recommend all those who are ill, especially (names withheld), all those on the church sick list, and I pray for (name withheld) who just died. Please take his soul to Heaven, and be with (name withheld) as he is grieving his Grandpa. Please provide housing to (name withheld) now, Jesus. Comfort and console his kids and grandkids, Lord. Please take all souls who will die today to Heaven to be with You, Lord.
Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, My child. I hear your prayers, daughter. Thank you for your love and concern for My children, your sisters and brothers. Continue to pray for them. Ask My Most Holy Mother Mary to give them graces.”
Yes, Jesus. Thank You!
“My daughter, always bring the sick and dying to Me, just as you have been. I will comfort them, My little lamb. Everything is under control, and all will be well. Now do not worry or have any anxiety; your concerns are safely with your Jesus.”
Thank You, Jesus. I love You.
“My child, be content with your life at home as it is now, for this is My Will for you. This is a time to pray, reflect and do your daily duties within your home. Trust in Me to provide for your family and you. I am providing, am I not?”
Yes, Jesus You are. Thank You, Lord.
“This is My plan for you now, My child. You will look back on this as a time of grace My little lamb. You have spent a great deal of time caring for others over the past few years. It is now time for you to rest in Me, to renew your soul and to be present to your immediate family and to Me. I have ordained this, so rejoice. Focus on the present, My child and on My presence with you. This is a great grace.”
Thank You, my Lord, my God, and my friend.
“You are welcome. Be at peace. The world does not have peace, but constant disunity, noise, distractions, and positioning for power. Be content to be in this time of grace to be renewed and formed in Me and in My Mother. Use this time well, My child so that it will be a time of growth in holiness and trust. Be at peace and soon I will restore your joy. It is My desire that you share this peace and joy with others but for now focus on this time of renewal. My child this time period marks a transition period for you in which I will begin to use you in new ways. I will speak more about this to you as time progresses. You will be more in tune with My Will and this is why I give you this time; this hidden time. Again, I say rejoice, My little lamb. You are not to feel useless, My daughter for this is quite the contrary. I need you and you will begin a new phase in your life of mission for Me. Until then, be at peace and enjoy the quiet and simple life. Do not put pressure on yourself. You have been ambivalent about beginning to search for work, for you sensed that this time of reflection is My Will for you and yet you feel responsible to your family to provide. Rest assured, My child, that My Holy Spirit inspires you and gives you insight regarding My Will for you. There is no need for pressure, for stress and strain, but there is room only for trust and for resting in Me. I go before you and I walk beside you at the same time. I provide for you; for you are My child. I am a good father and I provide for My children. You have given your all to Me. Will I do less for you? Of course, you know I will not! Be at peace, My child and do not allow your heart to be troubled. All will be well. When it is time for you to do something different, I will let you know.”
Thank You, Lord! You are so very good to me and though I don’t deserve it, I am very grateful. You have put My mind at ease and I think I will be better able to focus on using this time well, versus feeling torn and having regrets.
“Yes, My little one. Have no regrets for all has been according to My plan. I have allowed this time for you and I have orchestrated it. Be at peace. Rest in My love and in My Heart.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God.
“I will reveal more to you, My child but for today, this is all. You are in recovery and renewal mode. You love much and have poured out your heart for others. It is now a time of rest and a time to regain your strength.”
Jesus, others have done more than I, but I accept Your generosity and I am grateful.
“That may be true, My daughter, but others do not have the same mission that I have asked you and your husband and family to accept. Each child is different and each one’s path is unique. It is good not to compare oneself with others. What I am doing for you, I am doing for you. I will care for all of My children in the ways needed for them. Now, remain here with Me in silence and we will simply be with one another. Afterwards, you may go and tend to your little one’s needs.”
Thank You, Jesus!
After time spent in silence with Jesus:
“Remember, My child simple and small is what I ask of you now. Be at peace and know that I love you. All will be well. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be peace, be love, be mercy. Be at prayer and focus on Me.”
Thank You, my Lord and my God, my Jesus. I love You.
“And I love you.”
Amen! Alleluia!
Source: ➥