Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, February 24, 2022
The time of great sorrows is terribly facing this unbelieving Humanity!
Message from Our Lord to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

I will arrive with the crown of King of Kings on the Head.
Wait for Me with sincere love and ardent desire for Me. I am your God-Love, your Savior, I will not allow Satan to steal you from Me.
My beloved ones, it is your Creator God who still speaks to you and invites you to follow Him.
Lucifer's madness is great, his vengeance fierce, but nothing can stand against Him Who is! Arm yourselves with Me, O men, fast from the things of the world, pray the Holy Rosary with Mary Most Holy and, at this time when it is not possible to receive Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, take spiritual Communion.
My children, the time of great sorrows is terribly facing this unbelieving Humanity, deprived of common sense, far from Him who is the one and only true God!
Man has turned his back on his Creator, he has chosen to go arm in arm with Lucifer, ... he does not respond to My calls for salvation, he runs after the false lights of the Devil, "convinced" that everything will soon return to normal.
Lucifer's power is great, O men, beware of his deceptions, ...soon you will face the truth, ...your eyes will see Him whom you have denied.
Open your hearts to Christ Jesus, ask forgiveness for your sins, ... convert, O men, the time allotted to you is over, you have no more time. My cry is for salvation, O men, do not be deaf, look around you, nothing is good anymore. The tempestuous evil grips this Humanity, the war is going on, the peoples will fight for a miserable piece of silver! Ah what infamy My children! You are losing your life and you will not be able to regain it because you deny the Author of life! You are following death, O men, what joy will you have?
Repent, My children, repent now, before the thunder comes. Death is gripping your souls, do not allow this disaster anymore My children, return to your Creator God, claim to live in eternal happiness and do not die!
My Father Heart weeps, the heart of your heavenly Mother weeps, ... stop following death and return to Life.
The Blessed Virgin is about to reach you in your homes, give Her comfort. She comes to your aid, allow Her to help you.
Behold, the sky is about to darken, your life will end forever if you do not have the courage to say Enough to Satan.
Come on My children, I still ask you, for the love I have for you, for "conversion", there is no more time for the things of this world everything is over!
Source: ➥