Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, July 28, 2022
… Painful Hours Are Coming!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy

Carbonia 28.07.2022 - 12:19 p.m. - (*008 ap. 28-07-22)
I am the King of glory!
Beloved children, wake up! ... the time has come to open your eyes to the reality of the facts: Satan is moving his pawns, soon you will be overwhelmed by war, suffer the great famine and be subjected to slavery.
My children, I am your Creator God, I love you infinitely and await your awakening, "...know that there is no more time to lose," the things of the world are finished, save your soul.
Priests of God, come into the open, be Image and Likeness of Me, I gave all of Myself for the salvation of souls, now it is your turn, My consecrated ones: ... give your lives.
My Plan is one of liberation, I want to save all My children, I want to lead them to where milk and honey flow. My beloved ones, you are at the end of time, Mary is already on Earth to gather to Herself Her army, faithful to Me, Her Son Jesus.
Prepare yourselves, My children, for the final confrontation, let your hearts be guarded in faith to Me.
The great flood of fire is coming , ... you will be caught in sleep, ... do not sleep My children, wake up! Wake up! Put on your armor, unite yourselves to your God Love and with the holy Rosary and the cross in your hands fight the Devil.
Pray, My children, this is the time to pray intensely, to offer the time you still have left, to prayer.
Fast from the things of the world, do penance, revive yourselves in Me.
Christ's soldiers are already ready, lined up at Mary's side for the final clash against Satan. Keep vigilant O men, do not allow the Evil One to crush you: ... painful hours are coming! Provide for your safety in Me. Invoke My Mercy, ask for My early return.
Go forward My children, Mary is with you, allow Her to forge you in Me.
God saves!
Source: ➥