Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, August 5, 2022
Offer Reparation for the Outrages Directed at the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus
Message of Our Lady to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy
The Virgin Mary appeared clothed as the Virgin of Reconciliation. She had a white robe, a golden sash at Her waist, a heavenly surcoat and a white veil on Her head. She rested on a white cloud and had two yellow roses on Her white feet. The Blessed Virgin after making the sign of the Cross smiling sweetly said:
"Praised be Jesus Christ. Dear children, I come to you sent by the Most High, by the Eternal One. I come to you as Ambassador of the Most Holy Trinity of Love to call you to prayer, penance and reparation. I wish you to open your hearts to My words of life and to prostrate yourselves before the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity and to adore the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, so much trampled upon in these days of great darkness and misfortune. Offer reparation for the outrages directed at the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. Pray for the victory of My True Church. Persevere on the path of Fatima, Persevere on the Way of My Immaculate Heart in order to overcome the cunning Red Dragon. Dear children, open your hearts to the Holy Spirit My Eternal Spouse. Dear children, I am close to you, I love you, I bless you and give you My peace and My holy motherly blessing."
The Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima
Source: ➥