Messages from Diverse Sources
Thursday, September 15, 2022
They are bombing the Vatican!
Message from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy
Carbonia 13.09.2022
My beloved bride, My intervention is urgent, before Russia proceeds for Europe.
They are bombing the Vatican, these are hours of turmoil before the attack!
The stakes are very high, the Hierarchy of the Church is in the hands of traitors, the world does not notice! ...
I cry out My sorrow, ... My curse on the infidels.
My Rod shall smite this wicked Humanity, ... deprived of Me.
Write My daughter, write to My beloved people these lines are dictated by My impetus of love, My children!
Oh you consecrated ones, answer Me, return to the True Magisterium of the Church, put the light of the Risen Christ in you, bathe yourselves in holy water!
Convert quickly, My intervention may not be eternal damnation for you.
Mortify your bodies, turn away from sin!
Purify yourselves, O anointed ones of the Lord, return to Me, believe in Me, do not turn away from Me!
I am He who anointed you to be His priests: mark yourselves in faithfulness to Me, ... I will be with you, if you will be with Me.
God says to you again, these are the last times! Come out in the battle against Satan; do not be captivated by his false lights. Open your eyes and celebrate Me in your hearts by renouncing sin! I will show My Holy Spirit to you and give you of Me in eternity.
My Sacred Heart weeps for your betrayal:...I await your awakening, I do not want to lose you, My children.
The great hurricane has now entered the main door of the Church and is destroying all that is sacred, and you stand by like ebetes, ... you are being managed by the Devil!
You who were supposed to be the faithful soldiers to your Creator, to the One who gave you the priestly ministry ...
You who were supposed to defend the Church with your very life, you miserably surrendered it to Satan.
You let yourselves be dazzled by its false lights; for a day of glory on Earth, you gave your lives.
For the desire to enjoy the things of this ephemeral world of sin, you sold your soul to the devil.
You have clung to carnal passions, to easy living, ... you have denuded yourselves of Me, your God!
What misery in you My children, ... what misery!
Now is the time for repentance, listen and fear: ... the gong is about to be struck, it is the warning that time is over, ... a great uproar and then ... silence!
God will absent himself, He will leave you alone, in your free will you will meditate!
Eternal life awaits the children of God, and eternal death the children of Satan. Do not be lost My children!
I still cry out to you My great sorrow for your departure from Me!
Provide quickly : either with Me, or against Me!
Source: ➥