Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and The Holy Family With Your Words Only and St. Michael as guard

My beloved son, this is your Jesus of love and mercy. Tell all My remnant children that are listening that I am with them at all times. Do not pay any attention to the evil one when you are doing My will and the will of the Father. Do not think that things will be harder when you do My will. The truth is, that the Father is in control of everything when My children are doing My will, less bad things will happen. Satan only gets the power from the people who live in mortal sin and work for him. When My children work for their God, satan’s power is taken away. I wish that more of My children would work for their God and satan would lose all of his power. The time will come when satan will lose all of his power, but it could come sooner if more people would turn their lives over to their God. Please just listen to God and do what He asks of you and do not worry about the other side. When you are doing God’s will, satan will aggravate you because you lessening his power by helping your brothers and sisters. I, your Jesus, am in control of everything on earth and in Heaven through My Father’s hand. I permit satan to do some things to the good and the bad just to teach them patience and to know that satan is real and is out to steal your soul by doing anything and everything possible, but your God is in control. When you live in mortal sin and do not let your God help you, then you can be taken down by satan because you are telling your God, “Get away, I do not want your help.” A good example is when you are doing a job that is heavy for you to lift, and a friend comes by and sees you and says, “Do you need another hand to help?” And you say, “No, I will do it myself, I do not need another hand.” You try to do it yourself and get hurt and then you blame God for letting you get hurt. I did not let you get hurt, you let yourself get hurt by not accepting help when I sent it. This is how your God works. He always sends help in some way, but sometimes you are too stubborn to accept help and then blame it on somebody else. A lesson from Jesus to His good and His stubborn children. Love, Jesus.