Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Spirit, and St. Michael with protection of God’s words
My beloved son this is your Jesus of love and mercy. I love all My children dearly, the ones that know Me and the ones who do not know Me. They are all Our children if they choose to be. Please choose wisely what you do with your life, it is an all eternity decision. It is like a good marriage; I am the bridegroom and you are the bride. You are the Church on earth and I am the bridegroom of the Church. Most people do not have any idea what these words mean in this day and age. The Church and most of its people have fallen so far away from the bridegroom that most of My children are lost to the god of sports. Most of America is more interested in the god of sports and the pleasures and the fun that they have lost all interest in the God of love and mercy who made all things, is all things, and controls all things.
The free will of humans controls how things go on earth. If people follow the Ten Commandments all things on earth follow like a river or ocean when it is calm and peaceful. When people break the Ten Commandments the world flows like a river or ocean in time of storms. All lives and weather have some storms, but when people let people and sports be their god it is no different than when the pagans worshipped idols as gods.
Praying before a statue or using religious objects is an honor to your God, but worshipping people, places, or things of the earth is the same as worshipping idols of the past. This is what has taken your country down. Your god is your idols, sports, money, possessions, power, and greed. This is how satan took the Roman Empire down. He took it down from within without firing a shot. Most people were numb 1% of the time until he had 100% of most people. He took one commandment out of America at a time, very slowly, until he got all ten of them. This was all done through television, internet, cell phones, and through your modern day technology.
The time is here and you still have the most important thing left that only you can let satan take and that is your soul. None of the rest is important. Save your soul while you are still alive by asking your God for forgiveness from your heart for I am all love and all mercy, but you My children have to ask. Love, your Jesus of divine mercy with the chastisement already started. Amen.