Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 18, 1993
Message of Our Lady
Thousands of souls are being condemned now. I am crying for them. (She was crying.)
Pray the rosary! Pray the Rosary for the salvation of souls! Do penance! Offer sacrifices for them. Please answer me! Answer me! Help me save the world! I have gathered you here to show you the Pains of my Immaculate Heart.
Today, many souls have been condemned. I need prayers. Many prayers for sinful souls. I need children to pray the Rosary and make sacrifices for that intention.
Be converted! Convert! Answer me! Answer Me!"
Guardian Angel
(Marcos): (The Guardian Angel appeared after Our Lady left and said:)
"Pray, for a special reason: - The conversion of souls. Mary today will give a Sign. Pray also for this intention".
(Marcos): (The sign happened. The image of Our Lady of Fatima, with her Immaculate Heart in her breast, wept and exhaled a delicious perfume of roses in the place where we were gathered in Itajubá/MG. The seer Andrea and I already knew what would happen. The people present were very moved and many were touched on this day)