Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, October 13, 1993
Day of the Last Apparition of Our Lady in Fatima

I am the Lady of the Rosary! I come from Heaven to call you to the prayer of the Rosary! I come, my children, to invite you to pray with me. Pray the Rosary with 'living' faith! My children, pray the Holy Rosary Prayer with true LOVE!
My children, pray, pray! I wish a lot of prayer for the sinful world! Pray with Faith! Sacrifice yourselves for the cause of the poor fishermen! Fasting! Fasting! Fasting so that My Lord can give you His Love and make you instruments of the Peace that comes from Him! Trust and have Faith!
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
(Marcos): (On this day, Our Lady, at 11:30pm, gave us Her Message and extended Her Hands. From Her Hands came out 'rays of light' that projected themselves on a star.
We were at the foot of the Mount of Apparitions. Our Lady made the Sign of the Cross with her Hands, projecting them on the star, which traced a perfect Sign of the Cross in the sky as Our Lady did.
The star was right above the place of the Apparitions, and for several minutes she drew that Sign, seen by everyone. Then she completed by saying:)
"- They are Signs of My Motherly Love. With ease I can make the stars dance, but. convert their hearts by force I can't and don't want to! Give your hearts to Me!"
(Marcos): (From the star, a piece seemed to detach and fall on the Place of the Apparitions. As I searched it, there was no sign of such a phenomenon. The Blessed Virgin appeared before me, accompanied by nine angels.)