Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 19, 1994
Message of Our Lady

Dear children, today I invite you to give yourself entirely to My LOVE.
Today I ask you to return to obedience to My Voice, and to pray and fast again as in the early days of My coming here.
More obedience to My Voice is needed. More forgiveness to your enemies. (pause) My children, today, I invite you to surrender to Me.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".
Second Apparition
"- My son, notice how much I love you! Answer Me: - Have I ever abandoned you or left you alone?
(Marcos): "- No dear Mother! You have never left me!"
"- My LOVE for you is more immense than the oceans of the earth themselves. Never feel abandoned by Me! I LOVE you, and today I compare you to a 'wild rose tree' on which, I, the Immaculate Conception, Virgin Mother always Pure, supported me.
Today I give you an 'invisible ring' on your finger. Again I confirm: - This ring means the gift of praying for healing, which I gave you. Tell your brothers, as soon as you leave this ecstasy, that I love them. that I never forget them!
My blessing to all".