Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 6, 1994
Message of Our Lady

My children, may the Peace of my Son Jesus Christ be with you! Dear children, today I come 'happy' to invite you to Trust in GOD. Trust in the Lord! dear children, and open your hearts to GOD.
Tomorrow is the Blessed Day when this city of Mine receives the visit of My Son Jesus, united to Mine. Dear children, may your hearts be in my hands so that I may give them to Jesus. Happy are those who open their hearts to Jesus!
My children, tomorrow is a Profound Day of Thanksgiving, and I hope that you can open your hearts to Jesus. My children, pray! pray a lot! for only in prayer will you understand the LOVE of the Father.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit".