Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, August 15, 1994
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven in Body and Soul

My son, Praise our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Marcos): (To which I replied:) "- Forever Praise Him!"
"- Dear son, I rejoice to be here once again, with my children and with you.
(Marcos): (Raising Hands, Our Lady said:)
"- I bless you all once again, with the Blessing of my Lord, and He gives you the Blessing of Peace".
(Marcos): (She silenced a few moments while putting her Hands on top of her Chest again, and then went on)
"- Today, on the Feast of my Assumption into Heaven, I want to say to all of you, dear children, that today I am a Sign of Hope!
My DIVINE Son Jesus Christ did not leave me in the corruption of the sepulchre, but He came for me. He took me in Body and Soul with Him into Heaven.
There I am Queen of the mortal world, and of all the Angels and Saints too. My Glorious Body, dear children, emanates the 'Perfume' of DIVINE Graces to each one of you.
All those children who follow Me, who truly want to follow My Heart, in each one of them I place the 'Perfume' of My Heavenly Grace.
Today, I begin a new year with you! I begin a Holy Year for the family and the youth, because the families, dear children, are in danger, and the youth are also being very tempted and diverted from GOD's path. That is why I have come down from heaven again, to come to the help of families and youth.
Dear children! Dear young people! Dear families! Pray! Pray! Pray! In this Holy Year, when I will accompany your families and your young people in a special way, the first thing I ask of you is this: - Pray the Rosary!
My children, the LOVE of the Lord is being given to all of you. I wish, My children, to invite you to the LOVE of GOD!
O, how many sins there are on earth! How many sinners who condemn themselves eternally in hell!"
(Marcos): (Our Lady asked me to kiss the ground for the conversion of sinners. Then I kissed and felt a motion in my heart that led me to pray in this way: My Lord, for this kiss, forgive all our sins! and prayed in the name of all humanity. I got up, still kneeling, and looked at Our Lady again, and then, She continued)
"- My son, sacrifices of LOVE must be made, sacrifices full of true Charity towards the most sinful brothers and sisters.
My dear children, pray and do penance! Only prayer and penance can save the world! There are still so many catastrophes that come to meet you.
Pray! Pray! Pray a lot! Pray without ceasing. Communicate too, dear children.
I ask this from you: - Abandon yourselves in the Hands of GOD the FATHER, of my Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My Angels will be at your side, and will help you.
Paradise today rejoices with My Coronation as Queen of Heaven and Earth!
My dear children, every time I come to give you messages, I bring Paradise to each of you. Dear children, strive for Paradise, for Heaven! How few are those who think, and who do everything to enter Heaven!
Fight for Heaven, My children, and have confidence in Me".
(Marcos): (Our Lady continued speaking to me)
"- Come, my son, today I will give you a Special Grace. Come to kiss My Foot as a Sign, once more, that I will take you from Earth for a few moments, to give you the LOVE of Heaven. so that in your day to day, you will transmit it to all your brothers".
"- Come on your knees, My son."
(Marcos): (I went to where she was, and then she told me:)
"- Rise!"
(Marcos): (I stood. Our Lady closed her eyes, began to shine with more LIGHT, and then, I touched my lips to Her Most Holy Right Foot and kissed Him.
I felt as if I were not here on earth, but as if I had died, or been transported to another place.
The LOVE I felt passing in my body and in my heart was a very strong thing. Then the Virgin said that she could go back to the place where I was. I turned around, knelt down, and She continued:)
"- My son, your place in Heaven is already reserved, but. take care not to lose it for sin, and tell your brothers and sisters also that I call everyone to be saints and to enter Heaven.
My son! Pray for your brothers and sisters. Tell your brothers and sisters to pray too! My desire is that they may be happy on earth, and come to be with me in heaven.
I love you, My children, and leave you today My Blessing of Peace in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit".
(Marcos): (And then Our Lady went away, rising up. The LOVE She placed in me was so great at the moment I kissed Her Feet that I couldn't hold back the tears, they came out by themselves, and after Our Lady went away with the two Angels, brighter than the sun, the Light went out and I saw myself in the world again.
Our Lady asks: LIVE THE MESSAGES. She let me kiss Her Feet to show that She is Our Mother, and that Her Body is in Heaven, in Flesh and Bone, and also to confirm that She is waiting for us there. It is in this Colon that we will rest eternally, if we strive here on earth to achieve Eternal Life in Heaven. Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ)