Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, October 7, 1995
Monthly Anniversary of the Apparitions
Message from Our Lady

Dear children. today, with much LOVE, I look at everyone who is here. Nobody be sad, if you come here and do not see Me. what matters, My children, is that I see everyone, and I know each one. who is here today, together with Me.
Dear children, My Immaculate Heart is open to be the home and dwelling place of each one of you. My dear children, I am the Mother of LOVE, and I want to bless you, purify you, and keep you all within My Immaculate Heart.
Man has achieved much progress, but. without GOD, and that is why, My children, My Immaculate Heart suffers so much, seeing the advance of materialism, the advance. of the lack of LOVE, of the lack of Faith, of unbelief, more and more widespread. and spread.
Dear children, My Heart calls you close to Me. Come, My children, for My Heart, with great LOVE seeks you, and I want, dear children, to bless you with LOVE.
Know, dear children, that My Presence here among you is a GREAT! I, as your Mother, will continue to be here, every month. waiting for you.
You know, children, that I will leave here THREE SECRETS. you do not know what these SECRETS say, when you know, it will be too late for conversion. There is no more time, My children! There is no more time. Don't put off your conversion until tomorrow!
If you knew, My children, how much pain is safe only by My intercession from coming upon you, you, My children, would not continue in sin as stubbornly as you are.
Jesus and I are here to bless you. I have prophesied that very soon the TRIUMPH of My Immaculate Heart will take place. This TRIUMPH, My children, is very close to you, ever closer, and that is why GOD sends Me at the head of HIS Holy Spirit, as the Mother and Queen of Peace.
Whoever wants Peace, come to Me. My Heart is an inexhaustible Source of Peace, because My Heart, at every instant of My earthly Life, has always been filled with the LOVE of GOD. therefore, My children, I have Peace to give you.
I want, to ask you today, this night, that each one of you, My children, bend your knees, always in prayer. I will bless in a special way, all those, who every day, at eight o'clock in the evening, make the cenacle in their families, praying the Rosary, singing, meditating on these My Messages that I give you, taking My Messages to those who do not know them, asking for forgiveness, meditating on the Gospel.
I solemnly promise this instant, that the family that does this devotion, will be protected and defended by Me with all the graces necessary for salvation. They will be saved by Me in the time of chastisement, and will never perish, but will always have their name engraved in My Immaculate Heart, where you will never, My children, be forgotten. I will be with you forever!
If you heed My requests, the world can still be converted, and have peace. If you do not heed My children, grave events are coming your way. What I want is not to frighten you, but, My children, to warn you, for every mother who sees danger on the path of her children, calls her child, lest he should fall into it, and I am here, My children, precisely for this, to call you, to save you, and to lead you, My children, out of a great danger, which may come upon you.
Today, My children, freemasonry, satanic sects, spiritism, the occult, are forces, My children, that are striving to establish on earth the kingdom of the antichrist, that is, the one who stands against Christ, but. My children, he will be crushed by My Feet.
The enemy will very soon be destroyed, and that is why, My children, the world will know the Grace of a Great Worldwide Pentecost, a mighty descent of the Holy Spirit, to renew the heavens and the earth, and the hearts that during these times, have abandoned themselves. and entrusted themselves to Me.
Dear children, GOD has called you with LOVE, to be part of HIS BIG family. Pray with Me, My children, for the TRIUMPH of GOD's Grace, for the TRIUMPH of GOD's Mercy!
I invite all My children who are in other false sects, which do not lead to Jesus, to return to the good path, to return to the path of the Holy Catholic Church, where Jesus is in the Eucharist, waiting for each one of you with LOVE, where My Immaculate Heart is to be shelter, refuge, consolation, of all My children. I am the Mother of Hope, and the Lady of LIGHT. Over all of you today, I desire to radiate My Maternal LIGHT, so that you, My children, may also be pure, simple, and docile in your hearts.
Pray the Rosary every day! The Rosary, My children, as I have already told you, is the POWERFUL WEAPON that I have given you, capable of setting off a chain reaction, much stronger than an atomic bomb. There are graces and more graces, that spread all over the world. So, little children, you will always be close to Me.
Whoever says he loves Me, but does not pray the Rosary, cannot say he loves Me. In the same way, My children, pray! If you do not pray, you cannot say that you are converting. Therefore, return to GOD by the way of prayer, by the way of peace, by the way of opening your heart to HIM!
I am, My children, that same Mother, who once spoke at Fatima. I want you to pray the Rosary always! My Heart WILL WIN, but what pain I have to say, that the world has trampled on the offerings that I have made to you.
How many times, My children, My Immaculate Heart has been pierced by you, you My children, especially My Catholics, who have the primary duty to welcome Me! But, My children, do not sin any more. Do not treat My Immaculate Heart with such contempt. My children, do not go deeper into the thorns of My Sorrowful Heart, but rather, little children, come to Me with humility, with simplicity, because I want to lead you, and take you to GOD!
Understand, My children, that the Church is the REAL palace of GOD. Come to Church and pray! I will be beside each one of you, My children.
At Holy Mass, I am the first to arrive. Silently, I always remain present when My children are in adoration.
Truly, I can tell you that the Mass is a WONDERFUL HOUR! In this hour, profound graces of LOVE from the Sacred Heart of Jesus descend upon all of you.
The moment has come when all the events that I predicted to you, My children, must now take place. Do not be afraid, if you suffer persecution because of Jesus, because of the TRUTH, and because of Me, because it is true, My children, that you will be persecuted, but do not be afraid. I am, My children, extremely open, to bless you all, to comfort you all.
Today, I give you My special blessing, this blessing that will remain with you, who are here, until the end of your lives... Dear children, when you come home, you will be able to embrace, throughout your life, the sick, to pray for them, the sinners. Even in the silence of your heart, (you can) ask that My Blessing fall upon that person who does not believe, who does not pray, who does not receive Communion, that he/she may, dear children, by the Grace of GOD, be touched by My Immaculate Heart.
Above all, this Blessing will be an effective Sign in the midst of the sick, and this Blessing will remain in your bodies and in your hearts until, My children, the day when you will REIGN with Jesus forever in Heaven, therefore, this Blessing will also be like a powerful magnet, when the Rosary is prayed in your homes, to attract GOD's Blessings and Graces.
This special Blessing is also, My children, a form of Affection. Those who receive it, will have their sufferings greatly alleviated in Purgatory, to the extent that on the same day I will come and take them to Heaven, on the day of their death. This will also be granted to their relatives, and upon whom you also pray and ask that this Blessing of Mine be poured out.
That is why, dear children, I LOVE you with LOVE! Pray, pray very much, My dear and sweet children, so that one day, when I cannot be with you as strongly as I am now, that your hearts do not fall into sadness, but that instead, My children, you remember Me, and that you can always, always! remain at My side.
Do not cry, I am close to you, close to your sufferings, to console you, to strengthen you on the path of true LOVE. Here in My Heart, there is a place for each one of you. No one will be left out, My children! Pray, pray, pray, to enter into My Immaculate Heart. The key that opens the door to My Immaculate Heart is the Rosary. Pray it, and within My Heart, you will dwell.
Therefore, My children, go to Holy Mass with LOVE! I LOVE you, I love you so much. I am your Mother, and I will pray for you at the THRONE of My Lord. Follow in My footsteps, and I will follow in yours.
I take your hearts with Me, and leave Mine. I bless you all, all who have come here today. Keep coming, My children, because this Place is a Holy Place, because it has been touched by the Light of My Presence, and the Presence of Jesus. Keep coming here, come more and more, because My Heart is waiting to shelter and bless, all My children. The more you can, bring My children.
I LOVE you with all LOVE, and I thank you, blessing you in the Name of the Father. of the Son. and of the Holy Spirit."
Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ
"-My children! Sons of Mine! I, Sacred Heart, speak to all of you at this time. I AM the ALL POWERFUL GOD! I AM the IRRESISTIBLE GOD, and I at this moment, with My POWERFUL Arm, want to smile at you, with LOVE. bless you, with LOVE. touch you, with LOVE.
My Sacred Heart LOVES you infinitely! I, dear children, AM Jesus, and I have called all of you to be here WITH ME, at my side, in LOVE. Come, My children, come, and open your hearts to My Holy Spirit!
I tell you, My children, Ecclesiae will revive, that is, the Church, the Holy Catholic Church, will revive, by a special breath of My Holy Spirit that I send to you. I wish to pour out My Holy Spirit fully upon all of you, and that is why you must remain in cenacle with My MOTHER, in prayer, vigilant and humble, always. and more and more.
The cry of My Sacred Heart echoes through this empty world, given over to a lack of Faith. How many today are those who deny My Sacred Heart! How many of you say that I AM like a legend, or that I AM only something from the past! How many who mock My Cross! How many who mistreat My Mother! thinking by this, to do something that pleases ME.
O My children, I call you with LOVE, to live (pause) all My precepts, and My MANDAMENT is this, My little children: LOVE one another, as I LOVE you. This LOVE one another, My children, understand well, it must be with all your heart, fully, totally! He who LOVES! does not measure efforts. He who LOVES! does not measure the consequences of his LOVE.
LOVE, My children, is generous, it will never give you five cents, to collect five hundred, in return. Your LOVE must be generous, similar to the LOVE I gave you on the Cross.
I only ask for your LOVE, your heart.
I thirst, I thirst for your souls! I need to have them all together, united to My Sacred and BELOVED Heart! May your heart, My children, beat only for Me! May your living be only for Me! May your speaking be only for Me! for LOVE.
I, dear children, offer today the Gift, the Gift of My Sacred Heart over all of you, so that you may feel, and understand how much I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Whoever sees Me, sees the Father! Therefore, My beloved ones, if you live at My side, if you commune with Me with LOVE, you will be each day closer to My Father.
My Sacred Heart, with much LOVE, is preparing a dwelling for you in Heaven. But, how many are not only eating the mud of the enemy, but are also rolling like pigs in this mud. My children, I did not create you for this! I created you to be Mine, all of you entirely Mine! and that is why My Sacred Heart burns with flames of LOVE for you.
My Eyes are delighted with the Rosary! in your hands. My Lips take in all your words of LOVE, which you promise Me to live holy.
Well beloved children, never feel alone, because I have not left you orphans! I have left you My Holy Spirit, the Consoler, to guide you, to comfort you, to enlighten you, and to enkindle your path.
At that moment of the Cross, My children, when all My BLOOD stained the stones of Calvary, when threads of BLOOD ran down the middle of the stones, when My BODIES ended up falling to the ground, because of the many lashes that I endured for your LOVE. It was at that moment of EXTREME PAIN, My children, that I gave you My MOTHER, to be your MOTHER.
It was at that moment. that I gave you the most precious thing I had, after my Father: - my MOTHER, to be your MOTHER. Call Her MOTHER! LOVE HER! LOVE HER! LOVE HER!
Just as you could not accept in your home a friend who hates and spits in the face of your mother, who attacks your mother, or even attempts against her life, so also, how can I accept to live with ME in Heaven, someone who does not LOVE my MOTHER, who blasphemes against my MOTHER, who slanders my MOTHER, who spits in the Face of my MOTHER, who persecutes the one who LOVED ME the most?
I HONOR my MOTHER! and that is why I desire that you, My dearly beloved, may receive in your families the ARCH, where I want to keep you. All of you, dearly beloved, are very dear to ME, and whoever accepts my MOTHER, welcomes me, (pause) welcomes the Father, who comes through me.
I wish to ask you that from now on, every Friday, you, My dearly beloved, always make the Way of the Cross, ending it with fifteen minutes of ADORATION, meditating on My Five WAYS, especially, My dearly beloved, on the WAY of MY OMBROY, where I carried the very heavy Cross.
All those who practice this devotion, will also be very blessed by ME. and I will write with My Precious BLOOD, with the ink of this DIVINE BLOOD of mine, your names in the Book of Life. I will ratify the Blessing by My Holy Spirit, so that, My children, you will all come to dwell at My side in Heaven.
I am already setting the table in My Father's KINGDOM. I am already spreading the tablecloths, and preparing the seats for each one, because My COMING is IMMINENT. I am closer to you than you think, but, be vigilant and pray, so that My ARRIVAL, little children, does not surprise you in sin. because in truth I tell you, just as the DEVORATING FIRE from Heaven(pause) devoured Sodom and Gomorrah, who did not want to repent, and no one expected(pause) that FIRE, so I also tell you, that the DAY of My COMING, no one waits, and or better, no one prays, getting ready.
Happy is the one whom I and My MOTHER find vigilant in prayer, because those who do not listen to My Sacred VOICE, and to the VOICE of My MOTHER, will be like wood, burning in the flaming FIRE. Therefore, pray! pray! pray!
Pray for My Peter, John Paul II. He suffers much, well beloved! as He is suffering. Pray for him, that he may always have My Spirit at his side, to guide him on the way. that I myself predispose.
Pray, that in My priests, and religious men and women, there may be a supreme desire for holiness! I will stir up holy conversions! pure vocations! humble ones, if you honor the seventh of each month as the DAY OF MY SACRED HEART and the MARIAN DAY of MY MOTHER, with prayers that should begin six days before. Thus, My children, all who say these prayers will see that I AM Father, and that My Mercy will be, My beloved ones, coming down in rains on everyone, on each one of you.
I do not speak to you of Peace, because I AM Peace. I AM Peace.
I bless you, My dearly beloved, with My Blessing, this Special Blessing that will remain all the days of your life, until the Victory, the Triumph, in the Name of My Father, in the Name of My Heart, and in the Name of My Holy Spirit of LOVE.
Peace be with you! I AM WHO I AM, and My Name is I AM - JESUS. Be at Peace."