Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Thursday, July 26, 2001
Feast of St. Joachim and St. Anne, Parents of Our Lady

My children, today you celebrate the Feast of My Holy Parents, Saint Joachim and Saint Anne...Oh, how dear to My Heart they were! How I Loved Them and Wanted Them Well! All my life I have loved them with a pure, sincere, and filial love. How wonderful were those afternoons when My Mother, Saint Anne, took Me into her arms, placed Me in her Mother's lap, and taught Me the Holy Scriptures, and how to be Virtuous to please the Lord! His tender and tender Voice penetrated My Heart, and made Him burn with Love for the Lord, when He spoke and taught Me. ... My Heart departed from Pain on the occasion of the death of my Holy Parents, when I saw myself an orphan and afflicted, without those whom I loved so much and who loved me so much. ...Truly, I wept Tears of Blood for His death, because in addition to the natural Love that I had for them, I also had the supernatural Love that united us and always plunged us into so many Mysteries and Divine Designs. ...However, in spite of my Heart being shaken, I delivered them to the Most High, making a very high Act of Love, trust and submission to the Lord, who obtained from Him the Great Grace of seeing my parents being welcomed into the bosom of the Patriarchs, saved and just waiting for the Redemption to be completed...This My Great Pain is not known nor venerated by the world. Say, My son Marcos, that I will grant all to the souls who Venerate and Love this My Pain so well. My Immaculate and Painful Heart will spread in Great Graces of Love to those who contemplate this My Great Pain, with true Pity and Devotion...May this My Great Pain be known in the world, so that it may be converted and have lasting Peace. Say, that I will grant everything to those souls who contemplate these My secret pains daily, and pray a Hail Mary after each one of them...To everyone today I bless.