Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Monday, September 24, 2001
Message of the Angel of Peace and Our Lady

(Report - Marcos) On this day Our Lady and the Angel of Peace came together. After the initial greetings, I asked the Angel of Peace:
(Marcos) "Beloved Holy Angel of Peace, I wanted to ask You to explain to me why the Blessed Virgin said in Her Apparitions here in Jacareí, and in Medjugorje as well, that if we had to choose between the Holy Mass and an Apparition, we should choose Mass. What is the true meaning of this phrase of the Blessed Virgin?".
(Angel of Peace) "You must tell the world that the Blessed Virgin said this through HUMILITY, MODESY and SIMPLICITY. She, infinitely HUMILITY, MODESTA and PURE, did not want to compare the importance of Her apparitions with the importance of the Holy Mass and the Holy Eucharist.
However, this does not mean that the Apparitions of Herself and Our Lord are worth less than the Holy Mass. They are distinct things, with distinct values, that no mind, neither human nor angelic, can ever probe or scrutinize, and that only in Heaven can they understand.
Although the Holy Mass is the renewal of the Sacrifice of Our Lord, the Apparitions are also INFINITLY IMPORTANT, because they are the 'last table of salvation of humanity' in these times in which you live.
Therefore, WRITE those who think and say that the Apparitions of Our Lord and of the Holy Virgin are worth nothing. You must tell the whole world that the Holy Mass and the Apparitions have an INFINITE VALUE. INFINITE VALUE and that one thing is not opposed to the other, but both converge towards Heaven, towards GOD".
(Marcos) "Thank you, Holy Angel of Peace, for these words of Love and Wisdom. (pause) And you, my heavenly Mother, what do you want from me today?".
(Our Lady) "My son, today I want to show you again my Immaculate Heart.
Here in Jacareí, where I have revealed to you my Heart as 'Immaculate Heart of Mary', I want to tell you that I want you to be known also as THE IMMACULATE and EUCHARISTIC HEART of MARY.
You must tell the whole world that My Heart was not only the SACRARIUM and TEMPLE of the Incarnate VERB, but, that it WAS and IS the ONLY DOOR and the ONLY MEAN by which the Incarnate VERB came to the world for the first time, and comes again in the Altars of the whole Mun.
Just as I was spiritually, but REALLY united to My DIVINE stream in the Sacrifice of the Cross, so I am spiritually, but REALLY united to Him in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
The same MEAT that I gave Him to be immolated on Calvary is the MEAT that is present in the Holy Eucharist.
The same BLOOD that I gave Him and that was poured out on Calvary is present in the Holy Eucharist.
Therefore, without My MATERNAL INTERVENTION in the Holy Mass, there would be no ENCARNATION of JESUS under the 'species of bread and wine'. I am the one who brings JESUS to the Altars, to be present in the 'Sacred Species'.
In the Eucharist, I give them the MEAT and the BLOOD of JESUS, which I formed in my most pure womb. In the Holy Eucharist, I give you the MEAT and the BLOOD of JESUS, MEAT of My MEAT,' and 'BLOOD of My BLOOD.
I am the Mother of the Holy Eucharist!
I AM the Mother of GOD VICTIM!
I am the Mother of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
The same Heart of JESUS that I formed in my PUREST Womb is what you receive Sacramentally in Holy Communion. And My CHARISTIC HEART ^that I bring to you and that gives you the Heart of JESUS.
It is a MYSTERY which they cannot yet fully understand, but which they will fully understand by day in Heaven.
Therefore, My Son, I want you to tell all My children, that just as I was INSEPARELY united to My Son in the Sacrifice of the Cross, I too :stou in the Sacrifice of the Mass and in Holy Communion, and that in each 'Sacred Particle' you will receive only My DIVINE Son JESUS CHRIST, but also spiritually and REALLY to ME.
Tell everyone that I want My Heart to be known here in Jacareí and in the whole world as "THE IMMACULATE and EUCHARISTIC HEART OF MARY.
To all today I bless".