Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Marcos, dear son I bless you and give you My Peace.
I give the Peace of my Sacred Heart to all my children who came here today.
Truly all that has been said, from the Book 'Mystical City of GOD' is true. I have constituted My Mother superior, head and mother not only of the Church, but of the whole universe, of all creation. And so every other authority is subordinated to My Mother's authority.
You owe her obedience; all men!
They owe her obedience; all Catholics!
They owe her obedience; all Angels!
They owe her obedience; all the saints and blessed of Paradise!
They owe him obedience; all creatures even animals and elements of nature!
Everything is subordinate to My Mother; it was I who thus made her mistress of everything and who thus prepared her to be Queen of the whole universe and of all the works of My hands!
Whoever obeys Her; will obey Me!
Whoever honors Her; will honor Me!
Whoever knows Her; will know Me!
Whoever prays to Her; will pray to Me even if she does not name Me in her prayer.
Whoever praises Her will praise Me even if she does not name Me in her praise.
Whoever blesses and exalts Her; will bless and exalt Me Himself!
For My Mother and I are one heart and one love. She is not separated from Me, nor I from her; we are neither enemies nor antagonists; we are Mother and Son, heart of mother and heart of son, one love! We always live together; together we suffer, together we are crucified, together we are resurrected, together Our Hearts are in Glory.
Our Hearts are one love! They are inseparable and that which GOD has united man will not separate, cannot separate and may he with his lies not separate.
Therefore everything that is done to My Mother will be done to Me. Whoever does not obey the Messages of My Mother, even if he says he obeys My Gospel, has no part with Me.
Whoever truly wants to have a part with Me, may he obey My Mother's Messages!
Whoever does not serve Her, does not work for Her, does not defend Her, does not fight with Her in the places of Her apparitions; has no part with Me, is not with Me and I am not with Him.
Only with those who fight, love and work for My Mother in the places of Her apparitions; only with these, only with them am I and they are with Me.
Those who are not with My Mother at the Apparitions are already against Me! And he who is against Me scatters My sheep, My dear souls. Blessed are the souls who love Me in the Apparitions of My Mother, who serve Me, who work for Me in the Apparitions of My Mother! For these souls who work for the salvation of My blessed souls together with My Mother; these souls comfort Me, please Me, cheer Me and give Me satisfaction and contentment. These souls are truly sheep of My fold and their name is written in the 'Book of Life', the 'Eternal Book'.
Continue to pray the 'Holy Rosary', for the 'Holy Rosary' reaches everything of my Sacred Heart, if it is not contrary to my will! With the Holy Rosary the unbelievers will be converted; heresies and errors will be eradicated from humanity. If all Catholics prayed the Rosary the world would be saved! But how flawed are Catholics with this holy prayer! That is why Satan triumphs, that is why Satan wins in so many regions of the earth, in so many Catholic homes. Because the Rosary, for a long, long time. has been forgotten, has been despised in Catholic homes, and that is why evil now triumphs, dominates and leads to perdition in so many and so many souls.
Practice love. Live love! The soul who truly loves Me is the one who keeps My words and puts them into practice! This is the soul who truly loves Me, My Mother, St. Joseph, My Father Nurturer, and My Eternal Father. The soul who truly loves Me; renounces everything, detaches herself from everything, to be truly Mine! Many times I cannot grant the graces of my love to a soul, because it is too attached to creatures and things on earth! But as soon as she renounces, as soon as she detaches herself, as soon as she detaches herself, I flood her with so many Graces of My love that these Graces overflow into other souls and so many are saved!
The soul that wants to be Mine has to embrace its Cross and carry it behind Me, that is, it has to renounce its will; it has to renounce what it wants; it has to renounce its way of thinking; it has to renounce its own self attached to the things of this world, so that it can be truly yes, free and Mine. Then I will look her in the eye, love her, call her, take her hand, give her My Cross and together we will follow the path that goes to Paradise.
The soul who wants to be Mine has to give up! It has to desire to be all and only Mine! Otherwise, you will not be able to sanctify yourself. That I am a jealous GOD, who does not accept competitors in your hearts, you all already know this from the many Messages you have been given here!
Not only do I not accept competitors, I do not accept that I am not the only love in your hearts! The only GOD and the only life of your lives! If you want to live by My side eternally in Heaven, then live on earth like this. Be detached from everything that competes with My love in your hearts, so that then you can truly be My.
Have the desire of My love in your hearts! Have the desire for perfection and holiness! Ask in your prayers for the grace of My love's desire!
For I say to you: Whoever does not ask for the Grace of My love's desire will not have it, and whoever does not have the grace of desire cannot possess My love, and without love cannot understand My will, cannot understand the meaning of My words.
What my Mother said to you again, "Be like Saint Agnes who said: Another has loved me first GOD and therefore it is only right that I consecrate my heart, the affections of my heart, to Him.
Yes! I loved you first. Before the world could exist I already thought of you and loved you! I loved you in spite of your shortcomings! I loved you in spite of your miseries! I loved you, I loved you even though you still do not love me and you are still my enemies. I loved you even though you were redeemed and freed from the bondage of the devil and from My enemies, you were made My friends. I loved you before all the centuries!
And with such love I loved you that I did not hesitate for a moment to make reparation for the majesty of GOD offended by man's sin. and I became a man born of the most pure womb of my Mother, incarnating myself, spending everything in a life of suffering; poverty, persecution, incomprehension and rejection of human beings. and finally dying nailed to a Cross, pouring out all my most precious blood, amidst the most exquisite sorrows, all for your love!
I could have redeemed you with just one of my sighs, but I wanted to redeem you among the most archaic pains, and in the most cruel and painful death, so that you would have no doubt about my immense love for you! As you look at Me nailed to the Cross, if you still doubt My love, I do not know what other proof to give you. If you still resist My love, I do not know what else to do to be attractive, kind and conquer- earn all your love, all your heart!
Oh, yes! I am your GOD who has proved his love to you not only with words, but with pain. And in the same way My Mother, she has proved to you all My love not with words, but with pains and tears of Blood, with her Heart pierced by swords of pain!
What more can we give you? What more can we show you and prove to you, so that you believe in Our Love? If in the face of such a great love you remain insensitive? What more can I do for you, if all My love I have shown you in the utmost intensity?
For come and give Me your hearts. Come, come My children and be all Mine.
If a King were to offer a poor villager, a poor walker, his friendship and his love, wouldn't that poor boy soon leave everything? Wouldn't he leave his dishes to then accept the friendship of that great king, that great prince and be adorned, embellished and exalted by him? Oh, yes, he would accept the love of that king, that great king, and he would never forget it, and he would love it. and he would serve it and do everything to please it! I am this King and you are the poor thing that I want to exalt, elevate, purify, embellish, enrich with the treasures of My Divine Grace! But you, My children, have resisted Me, you have preferred your miserable dishes. Your worldly attachments, your earthly attachments, your illusory and passing loves that so often undermine your love, compete with My love and attack you with My love.
Why My children? Why? Why don't you just want My love and accept My love that I so generously offer you! Be Mine, it is the call of My love. Here in these Apparitions I truly make the last and vehement call of my love. What do you answer me? What do you say to Me? What will you do? I expect your yes. My Most Holy Mother expects your yes. We await your yes, with holy joy and holy expectation!
Give me your hearts; and I will give you mine.
Give me your love; and I will give you mine.
Give me your life; and I will give you mine! I will give you My grace, and together we will be one!
Give Us your love; and I and My Mother will give you Ours with Our Hearts.
Give Us your love and I promise you, I, my Mother and my Father St. Joseph, will come to you and in you we will make our home and be one!
Peace to you Marcos, I give you My Peace. Remain always in My love.
Pray! Pray! Pray! Pray for Our intentions! Pray for Our plans! Pray for Our apostles to rise up to propagate, to spread, to spread Our Messages! Pray for all Our intentions and you will see Our Graces.
Pray Marcos, pray. Your prayer sounds to our ears like a sweet and irresistible song. Pray, pray and pray! Peace."