Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Message of Saint Margaret (Martyr)

"-Dearly beloved brothers. I, Margaret, bless you once again today and give you peace!
As you yourselves heard during the Prayer, I am a Martyr of the Lord. For Him I gave my life; in sacrifice to witness to all, the truth of the Holy Catholic Faith and how much the Lord deserves to be loved and served by all.
I am with you to help you also to be 'Signs of the Lord's Love'!
Be Signs of the Lord's Love in the midst of this world; which has returned to be heathen, who has turned away from the LORD GOD and His LAW of LOVE, and who has totally plunged into darkness: apostasy, rebellion against GOD, sin and violence!
Be signs of GOD's Love in the midst of this world; who has become insensitive to the calls of the LORD and foolishly treads the paths of perdition and his own destruction!
Be signs of GOD's Love in the midst of this world; that has definitely closed its doors to CHRIST. And on the other hand, he opened them to Satan, who seduced him and offered him his idols: of money, pleasure, power, impurity and violence.
Be Signs of the Love of GOD, in the middle of a world; more and more dominated by the dark spirits, scattered in the air, that have sown everywhere: spiritual desolation, relaxation of faith, prayer and service to the LORD and plunged souls into a great abyss of apostasy, rebellion and incredulity towards the things of the LORD!
Be Signs of the Love of GOD, in the middle of this world; that each day more and more it moves away from the LORD, it moves away from the Mother of GOD, closing her ears and her heart, for her Messages of PAIN and LOVE.
Be signs of GOD's Love in the midst of a world; more and more dominated by violence, evil and injustice.
If you are this Sign of Divine Love; for a life of perfect correspondence: to GOD's Love, to the plan of the LORD that is revealed to you, through the Messages of this Place; you will then truly be able to lead back to GOD and to the path of salvation innumerable souls!
If you, with your life, truly obey the Messages that are transmitted to you here, your lives alone will already speak enough to the world and it will see in you a luminous beacon, so that it can find again the way of peace, love and salvation.
I am with you, to help you and to lead you to be truly, 'Sign of GOD's Love'! You must banish from your lives every kind of sin and everything that leads to it; so that in your souls there is neither shadow nor stain that can overshadow the supernatural light of Divine Grace in you and thus prevent souls from seeing the Light of the LORD and His LOVE! I am with you every day and I promise to help you.
Do not be discouraged! Do not despair! Do not be discouraged! Do not retreat.
Helped and carried away by Me, you will overcome all kinds of difficulties, as I have overcome; you will keep faith, love and hope heroically. and you will certainly reach Heaven.
I bless you all with love! Continue to make all the prayers that have been given to you here, through them you can be giants in faith and love for the Lord and His Mother, if you want and if you are always diligent and faithful in these prayers.
I will return soon!
Peace to you all! Peace to you Marcos, I bless you, I will pray for your improvement. Peace to you!"