Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Message of Saint Paula

Marcos, I, Paula, servant of Christ, servant of the Virgin Mary, come today to bless you once again, my beloved, dear of the Saints in Heaven.
And I come to bless and exhort once again these children of God and of the Blessed Virgin and my brothers in the order of grace.
I come to call you to burning love, to burning love that pleases the Lord, that consumes in you every resemblance to the world and its works and makes you like the Lord, His love and His goodness. When Divine love is enkindled in a soul that receives it, that wants it and that does not oppose to it, this love consumes in the soul every resemblance to the world and its works of death and replaces and enkindles in it the fire of true love, that transforms it more and more into the resemblance of its Divine Beloved and makes it produce more and more works of life, works of grace, works of love and salvation in the likeness of the same works that its Divine Beloved, the Lord Jesus, did.
When the fire of true love is truly in a soul, she no longer looks at what she has left, she feels no sadness or sorrow for what she has left for love of her Divine Beloved, on the contrary; she deplores every thing, every moment, every year of her life that she has consecrated to creatures and that she has given her love to them despising the love of her Divine Beloved, the Lord Jesus. And the signs of true love in a soul are healthy:
-the soul feels a constant longing for its Divine Beloved;
-she speaks of Him incessantly whenever she can and with everyone she can;
-is always rewarded in Him;
-seeing to do everything in order to please Him alone;
-she does nothing without first consulting the Holy Spirit of wisdom to see if what she wants to do will please her Beloved or displease Him;
-the soul seeks more and more to make its love fruitful in deeds, fruitful in prayers, fruitful in feelings and affections more and more burning with love for its Beloved;
-when the soul suffers, it endures everything out of love for its Beloved, who, before her, endured all the pains and the cruelest of all, the pain of the Cross and for her, for the soul, gave her life on the Cross;
-in everything the soul does, thinks, seeks and says, it never seeks itself nor the satisfaction of its will, nor even its spiritual interest, but it seeks only and solely to love its Divine Beloved, to love Jesus with all its strength, with all its heart, without reservations, without calculations and without measuring or regulating this love, on the contrary; the soul that truly loves the Lord expands its heart as much as it can, to give everything and it does not know how to give less than everything to its Beloved Lord.
I ask you, dear brothers and sisters, to open your hearts to this Divine love that has chosen you, that has called you, that has brought you here, that preserves your life and still gives you time to know it; so that you love it, so that your hearts can then correspond to this infinite and unfathomable love that loved you even before the first cell of your body was created in your mothers' wombs. Correspond to this love. Open yourselves to this love. No longer resist this love. Do not remain like marble and granite, cold and hardened before such a great fire of love, that from the top of heaven it seeks you, seeks you, pursues you and calls you!
The moment you stop running away from this love, embrace it and even throw yourself into the midst of its Divine flames, then your souls will completely lose the ugly and disfigured appearance that you had resembling the things of this world and you will have in you the beautiful likeness, the extraordinary, magnificent and perfect figure of the likeness of your Lord and your beloved, who from the top of heaven pronounces your names with nostalgia and without ceasing, calling you to his Sacred Heart, in order to plunge you there and close you forever.
Imitate from Me the love that I had for the Lord, which was scorched and which at certain times could even give Me death, if the Lord had not sustained Me with His comfort and His grace and had not reserved Me for greater things.
I want to give you this love. I want to imprint this love on your hearts. And I will not rest until I complete this work.
Behold, I call you to be My disciples in the school of love. If you are good students, gentle, humble, and perfectly allow yourselves to be led, guided and followed by Me then I will lead you to the high points of true love, true perfection and true holiness.
Only in the silence of the soul, only when the soul is completely divested of everything, even of all thought, only there can the soul have an encounter of love with the Lord and receive from Him the influxes of His grace, which as an impetuous torrent wants more and more to communicate, pour out and flow into and through souls throughout the world.
Do this, make a prayer of profound listening, of profound stripping, of profound annulment of yourselves, of your will and even of every temporal thought, and thus your souls will acquire the virtue, the ability to perceive the visit of the Lord, who wants to clarify with the light of His Holy Spirit everything you hear, Everything you meditate on, everything you know without understanding, and then you will penetrate the depths of the mysteries of the Lord's love for you and your souls, after knowing this love, will be even more ardent, more ardent in love for the Lord, you will know what to do, how to do and when to do it. And then your deeds and your acts of love will be truer, more perfect, more fruitful before God and men.
To all, I, at this moment, want to bless, I want above all to invoke upon you the greatest blessings of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to whom I have loved very much throughout my life and to whom I have dedicated my most beautiful years. I also want to invoke upon you the richest blessings of the Heart of St. Joseph, that most loving Father in whom I have always gazed, to learn and imitate from Him the perfect and true love for the Lord and His Mother.
And at this moment I tell you with all my heart: from before your birth I knew you in God, I have loved you and I have become your protector, defender, guide and teacher. If you are My disciples, if you are My students well applied, I will lead you to the perfections of love, charity, grace, perfection.
To all today I cover with My Mantle and bless you abundantly".