Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 23, 2009
(Feast of the Crowning of Mary Most Holy as Queen of Heaven and Earth)
Message of Mary Most Holy

My dear children! I am your Mother! I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth. And under My Empire you have all been placed by GOD!
As the RAIN and LADY of all Creation. I command all the Works done by GOD and I can do whatever I want and whatever I do. the Will and Grace of the LORD always. will always corroborate*. will always support Me and will always be with Me.
So when I decided to appear here in February 1991. The Holy Trinity approved all my decision, united with me and gave me full powers so that, in this City, in this Blessed and Elected Place of my Heart. to this my favorite son that I have chosen, Marcos. I have come, therefore, to do all that My IMMACULATE HEART planned and decided for the salvation of the World, for the Glorification of the Holy Trinity, and in all that I do and accomplish here, is with Me the Blessed of the Most High!
I invited my son Marcos, from the beginning to be my faithful, docile and obedient subject. he accepted! And the same invitation, I extend to you all!
Be My faithful, docile, obedient subjects, and always ready to fulfill My Will.
I have come here, seeking a subject, a servant, a docile and unwilling vassal. without a will of my own. I have found him! And I want to find the same docility. I want to find the same obedience and the same detachment in all of you!
If you are my docile, obedient and ready subjects. I can truly help you, I can truly reign in your life, transform it into a great source and channel of Grace for other souls; so that they too: know My Love, know My Grace, know My Power, know My Mercy and can be saved.
My Kingdom. My Kingdom of Love. will only become true in this world when your hearts are completely Mine and My Kingdom is truly established within you.
It is within your hearts that I want to begin to reign. Then I can Reign afterwards: in families, in nations, in the laws that govern society and the world. I will reign in all peoples, races and over all languages! Because My Reign is the Reign of Love!
And when all hearts cease to resist My Love and accept it then; I will TRIUMPH without rival!
Satan reigns by coercion, oppression, and force; Satan reigns by temptation, suggestion, and the things he offers to his victims.
When your hearts. accept My Love, accept My Sweetness and serve Me willingly. Then, I will TRIUMPHER over your hearts, completely. And through you, I will make My Rays of Grace spread over the whole world, transforming it into a single KINGDOM of Peace and Love.
Be My faithful subjects! Obey My Messages!
Continue to say all the prayers that I have given you, call me with all your heart, through these prayers, that is, truly asking for my help to be my true children, my faithful subjects. But at the same time having in your hearts the firm purpose and serious desire to be My true children, to be My true subjects, and to be willing to attain this Grace. No matter how many sacrifices it costs you, how many efforts it requires of you, or how many renunciations you have to make in order to attain it.
Thus you will truly call upon Me from your heart, and then I will attend to you and come with My Grace, always ready and faithful to you, who invokes Me from the heart and with sincere desire.
To all today I bless you abundantly. From LOURDES. Of BOHAN and JACAREÍ". *Corroboran - Give strength to, strengthen. To confirm; to prove.