Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Message from Saint Joseph

My beloved children, I, JOSEPH, bless you again today and give you peace!
In my Most Loving Heart you will always have a home, refuge and shelter. I will always keep you in Him. I will always love you in Him. I will always fill you with the graces and gifts of God and the Holy Spirit in Him. And it is in the Sanctuary of my Most Beloved Heart that I will make you grow each day more in love and holiness.
Enter into My Most Beloved Heart, through your continuous, persevering prayer, ever more burning with love, ever more full of trust and faith, certain that I am your Father and just as a father does not give a stone to a son who asks him for bread and does not give a serpent to a son who asks him for an egg, I too will never give you anything that will harm you. I will always give you thanks of love, thanks of peace and salvation. Maybe not that grace you would ask for because it would become an attachment for you and do harm to your soul, but I will give you those graces that God decides are best for you!
I will always choose the most copious, abundant and wholesome blessings of the Lord for you. I will always give you graces of the Lord's love, which will transform your life into a true river of divine life, of grace from the Lord, of blessing and peace.
Enter into My Most Loving Heart, therefore, through trusting prayer, because it is the key that opens the door to the vault of My Heart for you, where I can give you the treasures of My graces, treasures that are the fruit of My merits, of My merits, of the sufferings, of the labors that I have suffered in My mortal life and with which I have obtained great glory in Heaven. The fruits of these My merits, My loving graces I want to give to each one of you, until you become rich, extremely rich from My graces. And to obtain this My wealth you must come to Me with the golden key, the key of trust, the key of trusting prayer, and I will open to you the chest of My Heart, of My treasures and enrich you all.
Enter into My Most Loving Heart, through a perfect 'Consecration' of you all to My Most Loving Heart. While the Messages about true devotion to Me are not completed here in these Apparitions, you must await the moment when the entire Consecration to Me is explained to you. But before that, you can already consecrate yourself to Me in a personal, daily and continuous way, giving yourself to Me every day, entrusting yourself to My protection at every moment, living ever more united with Me by a life of profound prayer, of meditation on My Messages, praying My Hour every Sunday and also at other times as you can, making with Me truly one life, one life in God. So that We, inseparably united, may walk each day and I may lead you ever more along the road of salvation that the Lord shows, offers and invites each one of you here 20 years ago through these Apparitions!
Enter into my Most Loving Heart, giving me your YES, the YES to all that I have asked of you in my Messages, the YES to all that I inspire you, to all the good ideas that I give you in prayer. The YES to all that God asks you every day, so that you may be true children of God, true Christians who defend the Christian faith, who defend Christian principles, who defend the Law of the Lord. So that with your whole life transformed into God, you may be a sign of God's love, of His grace, of His presence, of His love and of His Mercy in the world.
To all of you My dear children, I bless you at this time generously, giving you ever more of My peace. I extend My Mantle over you, I cover you with it. I love you so much! Do not depart from Me! In difficult moments call upon Me and you will feel My consolation, you will feel My comfort in your soul. In times of affliction and sorrow I am closer to you and more united with you than the mother with the little child in her womb.
To all at this moment, I give My peace".
"-Ó Most Loving Heart of St. Joseph, worthy of being over all loved, venerated and obeyed with sincere affection. To you I consecrate myself, with all my interior and exterior goods, with all that I am and have. Your imminence, glory and power surpass all human understanding. And for this reason, I take you today as my advocate with Jesus and Mary, my protector and Father I promise never to forget and separate myself from you, I wish to honor you every day of my life, obey your Messages communicated in the Apparitions of Jacari, make your HOLY HOUR of prayer every Sunday at 9:00 in the evening, obey all the Messages of Mary Most Holy and of Our Lord in the Apparitions of Jacari, and spread your devotion and your Messages to all. O Father of my soul! Grant me your special protection and accept me in the number of your servants. Assist me in all my actions and sufferings, obtain the favor of Jesus and Mary and do not fail me out of piety in my agony and death. O Most Beloved Heart of St. Joseph, who revealed Yourself with the Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the Apparitions of Jacari, have pity on us and on the whole world. Amen".
(Prayer composed by the seer Marcos Tadeu, recorded on the CD of the Holy Hour of St. Joseph, available at the Shrine of the Apparitions in Jacareí for those who wish to purchase, please contact us)
Remember, O Most Chaste Spouse of the Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, my LOVELY Protector, that none of those who invoked your protection and begged your help have ever been left without consolation. Full of trust, I stand before you and recommend myself, with fervor to your Sponsorship.
Ah! Do not disregard my prayers, O Good Father nurturing the Redeemer, but hear them favorably, and deign to accept them. Love them.
O my Lord and my Father, I offer myself completely to You, and in proof of my devotion to You, I consecrate You this day and forever: my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, and entirely my being, and because I am all of You, O my Good and Incomparable Father, keep me and defend me as a thing and property of You. Love me.
"The Immaculate Heart of my Everlasting Sweet Wife Mary, is the door to Heaven, and devotion to Me and my Heart, is the key that opens this door!
Invoke Me always this way:
And I will come, I will come to the aid of all of you, the church, the world, the souls. When I see My Light, Satan will be blind and can do you no more harm.
(SAINT JOSEPH, Jacareí 7/9/99)