Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Message from the Angel Saint Lubatel

Dear brothers and sisters, I, Lubatel, come from Heaven in the name of the Lord today to bless you and give you peace.
Pray, pray, pray. May prayer be your life.
Be attentive, the devil is always on your side, studying your weaknesses to lead you to sin. Pray and watch that you do not fall into temptation.
Pray hard, renounce all sin. Seek the virtues, seek holiness, seek to be faithful to God.
Meditate the Ten Commandments continually, for whoever does so will always walk on the road of grace, holiness and good and Satan will have no power over him.
Understand that every sin you do gives Satan greater power over you. Therefore, renounce all sin.
Pray the Holy Rosary every day. Continue to pray all the prayers that the Mother of God has asked of you Here, in your afflictions and sufferings come to me and I will help, console and comfort you.
Ask Me to always keep you from all sin and I promise to help you.
Flee from all occasions of sin, open your heart to the love of God who wants to fill you more and more with His peace, grace and wisdom.
I love you very much and I cover you now with my Heavenly Cloak.
I bless you all generously and give you all my peace now".