Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Message From Our Lady- 135th Anniversary Of Knock Apparition - 315th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary): "Beloved children of Mine, today, as you are celebrating the Anniversary of My Apparitions here in Knock, Ireland, where I appeared as a Woman clothed in the Sun, Lady of Revelation, Lady of Prayer and Silence in God. I come to invite you once again: Look at Me, look at the great sign that appears in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the Sun crowned with Twelve Stars, with the Moon under her feet, terrible as an army in order of Battle.
Look at the Woman of Revelation who appeared in Knock to warn you that you are already entering the end times of the battle between Me and My adversary, the infernal dragon.
His heads are the seven deadly sins, which have now spread throughout the world and have taken over this humanity that has returned to being pagan, rebellious to God, and completely inimical to God's Commandments.
I have the mission to fight the dragon and his heads, that is, the capital sins, and to free My children from these nefarious sins.
I therefore come from Heaven armed with an infallible and victorious Plan, and so I say to you: Look to Me, that you may understand My Will, My Plan of salvation, and what I want for you.
Look to Me by living a life of continuous and profound Prayer, praying at least three hours a day with your heart, meditating on My Messages, praying the Hours of Prayer that I have given you, so that your life may be constantly sprinkled with the grace of the Holy Spirit that is only poured out upon the souls who pray most with their heart and who are open to the influence of His Grace.
Pray, pray very much, because only through Prayer you will receive the graces and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, to be strong in suffering, to renounce all sin, to say no to all Satan's temptations, to repel from your life everything that takes you away from God and leads you to sin.
Only through prayer can you truly be open to the grace of the Holy Spirit to have the Gift of Understanding to understand My will for you, My Plan of Salvation, what your place is in that Plan, and what I want from you. Dissipated souls who do not pray, do not have the Gift of Understanding to understand or see My Will for them, much less to see your faults and sins and renounce them.
Therefore, pray, only with Prayer you will have the strength to fast, and only when you have the strength to fast and you will have the strength to renounce sin and thus convert.
Look to Me by living continuously in meditation on My Messages, whoever meditates on My Messages has no spiritual confusion. Whoever meditates on My Messages knows where they should go, knows what they should do, knows what they should not do, and knows how to do well what should be done.
The souls, the souls who meditate My Messages have a light, a clarity of the Holy Spirit that the souls who do not meditate do not have.
That is why I tell you to meditate on My Messages, even if it is only for twenty minutes a day, and you will see the path of salvation, of conversion that you must follow.
Look at Me, living in Me, that is, converging your thought and your will with My thought and My Will, renouncing your corrupted will and accepting Mine.
Then you will live in Me, you will remain in Me and I will remain in you, I will live in you with My Son Jesus, We will be one in Love. And then, Satan will have no power over you, you will walk quickly and swiftly on the path of sanctification as did My Gerard Majella, My Alphonsus Liguori, My Lucia of Syracuse and all My Saints. And in you, My children, there will be no darkness at all, but the light in your soul will be the very light of the Holy Spirit, My Flame of Love, and with this flame you will illuminate the whole world.
Look to Me who Am the sign of your certain victory, for now the devil can still beat you, the dragon can still cause you suffering. But his time is at an end, he becomes angrier and so he pursues you with a rage, with a greater fury now. But his days are numbered, and he knows that the moment of My great victory, of My great Triumph draws near.
That is why he does everything to lead My children to perdition, since he cannot bring Me down from Heaven, since he cannot do anything against Me, he makes Me suffer by attacking My children. Be vigilant against him in prayer. Pray and do not give the devil entrance into you by welcoming his temptations, but rather repel him with prayer, escape from sin, penance and vigilance.
Soon the heads of the devil will be crushed, all sin will be annihilated and crushed upon My Feet, the infernal dragon will be cast into the abyss from which he can no longer come out to do you harm. And finally you will have that lasting Peace that I have promised you since La Salette and Fatima, and finally through My Apparitions Here My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
You are the last hope of the world, you are the last hope of the Earth, this My Shrine, these Apparitions are the last hope of humanity. Do not disappoint Me, do not defraud Me by betraying My Love by choosing sin. But rather, look only to Me, not to sin. Look only at Me, not at yourselves. Look to Me, not to your will. Look to Me, not the pleasures of the world. Look to Me and be My true sons and soldiers, who fight with Me every day to achieve the salvation of mankind.
My son will reward even a glass of water given in My Name, for My Love, and will reward handsomely all those who do the Cenacles I have asked for in the families, who spread My Messages, and do everything to save souls and make My Messages better known.
Therefore, Little children of Mine, look to Me, your Heavenly Commander, who leads you each day more to victory, and do not look back or to the sides ever again. Lest the enemy deceive you and the same thing happen to you as happened to the Woman of Lot. She who looked at Sodom and Gomorrah with longing for the sins there and because of this was punished and turned by God into a pillar of salt.
No, do not look at Sodom, do not look at Gomorrah, do not look at this perverted world given over to sin and evil.
Look only to Me, your Immaculate Mother, who leads you safely every day along the road of the fulfillment of God's will, of holiness, of perfect love for the Lord, and of those virtues that will give you a glory, a beauty, an immense splendor, immeasurable in paradise, in eternal glory.
Therefore, Little children of Mine, forward! Do not be afraid, I am with you and I will never abandon you.
Continue to pray all the hours of Prayer that I have given you here. My hopes rest in you, you are the Apostles of the last times, the workers of the last hour, the last soldiers of My squadron.
Do not let Me down, fight, be holy! Give your brothers the testimony by word and example, so that all may see in you My presence, My grace, My holiness, My love, My immaculate purity.
Then, My little children, My Heart will triumph in you and through you in the whole world, and this world, the swamp of sin, will be transformed into a green garden of beauty and holiness.
Onward! You are My last hope, do not be discouraged, I fight with you and through you I also fight for you, the Angels fight with you and fight for you.
Confront! With the Heavenly Army your victory is more than certain.
I bless you all with Love, from Knock, from Vicenza, from Genoa and from Jacareí.
Peace My little children, the most ardent of My servants, My warriors of Love."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Monday to Friday, 9:00pm | Saturday, 3:00pm | Sunday, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)