Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Message From Our Lady And St. Adelia Or Adelina - 357th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Blessed Mary) "Beloved children of Mine, today again I come to invite you: To prepare your hearts for the coming of My Son, He is at the door.
And just as I was the Mother of the First Advent, I am also the Mother of the Second Advent, who teaches you and prepares you to receive My Son Jesus who returns to you this time in glory, with a heart prepared and purified for Him.
I am the Mother of the Second Advent, and so I come, to tell you that it is high time to turn your hearts once and for all to My Son Jesus, because when you least expect it He will appear in front of you. And His voice, strong as thunder, will throw you to the ground, and woe to those who are not purified and sanctified as He wishes. Woe to the wheat that is contaminated by tares. Woe to the wheat that is eaten by the worms of sin; this wheat will be thrown into the great fire that will never be put out for ever and ever.
That is why I tell you little children: Change your lives, starting from now on a new life with the Lord. It is not difficult, this new life begins when you put the Rosary in your hands and decide to pray. Only when prayer comes first in your life and is a joy for you will it become a river of grace, for yourselves and for others.
Prepare your hearts for the coming of My son Jesus, by doing everything for love as I myself did and as the saints did. At home, at school, and at work, do everything for love of Jesus, and then your most simple and ordinary deeds will gain a great meritorious value, a great spiritual, eternal value. That when My son returns will be returned to you again, this time in the form of superabundant merits of glory in Heaven.
I am the Mother of the Second Advent and so I come before My Son to prepare His way and to tell you: Do not leave your conversion for tomorrow any longer, for you may be surprised by My Son Jesus Christ who will come to you in power and glory to give to each one the payment according to his works.
Live in Love, walk the path of true Love for God, which is a path of renunciation of self, renunciation of worldly pleasures, renunciation of Satan's temptations. And 'yes' to prayer, 'yes' to sacrifice, 'yes' to grace, 'yes' to holiness. Then you will truly stand at My side when My Son returns, and I will present you to Him as My chosen race, My maternal offspring. And then, He will give you that Crown of life and grace that He has promised you since the beginning of the world.
Continue to pray all the prayers I have given you Here, you cannot imagine how many graces I shower upon you when you pray these prayers, all your life long you will feel the effects of these blessings. And only in Heaven, in eternity, will you understand how much I have given you, how much I have favored you through My Hours of Prayer that I have given you here.
Pray, My most important Message is Prayer. This Christmas, do not forget My Son Jesus, but rather turn your hearts to Him, and He will also turn His Divine Heart to you.
I bless you all now from Fatima, from Lourdes and from Jacareí."
(Saint Adelia) "My beloved brothers, I, Adelia, return again today to tell you: Heaven loves you! Heaven loves you!
And that is why it has brought you Here, attracted you, and through many signs and calls has brought you Here. To fill you with heavenly graces, blessings, and riches, so that your souls may truly be souls rich with God's graces, fortunate, souls of true princes, sons of the King of Heaven.
Open your hearts to receive this torrent of graces and blessings, so that truly in your life, in your soul, the Holy Spirit with His powerful influx floods your whole being until the waters of His graces overflow, for all to drink and for all to be filled with this Holy Spirit.
Heaven loves you and despite your great miseries and offenses done to God in the past, Heaven had mercy on you, Heaven had Mercy on you, Heaven loved you and was kind and merciful to you. And this Heaven that has chosen you desires nothing more from you, unless you also choose Him.
Heaven has chosen you, choose Heaven, so that truly the plan of this wonderful Heaven may be fulfilled in you, be realized in you, become true in you, and change the face of the earth.
Heaven has chosen you and loved you, so every day He comes to you, He speaks to you, He gives you Messages of Love through the mouth of this servant of God who for twenty-three years has been the vessel of Our Graces, the vessel of Our election, the vessel of Our Love.
This Heaven never tires of offering you salvation, forgiveness, and the graces you need to be great Saints. But unfortunately, your heart is still hard, closed, cold as a block of ice, insensitive as a stone. This is why so many designs and plans that Heaven had for you were so often spoiled and frustrated by your bad will. But this Heaven, which is infinitely greater than you, cannot be overcome by your hardness ever. That is why He keeps looking for open hearts that when they receive the Love He came to offer and the graces He came to give, will also choose Him and proclaim to all people that the Lord is good, the Lord alone is God, that the Lord alone is truly worthy of all Our love, all Our surrender, all Our service.
Heaven has loved you and called you Here to give you grace upon grace and blessing upon blessing. And so it has been each day of these years that the apparitions of the Mother of God with Us here have lasted. How have you responded to this Love? What have you done to correspond to this great Love that has done so much for you?
You are loved in Heaven, do not despise this great Love, for the passing love, for the illusory love of the world. Because this illusory love first deludes you with false and passing pleasures to then throw you into the clutches of Satan who will torment you for all eternity in the flames that are never extinguished. Be more intelligent than the world, be more intelligent than the devil. Choose heaven, prefer heavenly love, and so you will crush Satan, the world, and everything else. And truly, you will be conquerors in Christ, you will be conquerors through Christ.
Heaven has called you and loved you and has many more riches, graces and treasures to give you Here, it only waits for your 'yes', it only waits for you to open the door of your hearts for Him to dwell in you.
Heaven is Jesus, of Him I speak! This Heaven has chosen you, and if you choose, He will fill your heart with so much grace that, like the Apostle, you will exclaim: It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.
I, Adelia, or Adelina, love you very much, I always cover you with My Mantle, I keep you, I pray for you every day. I am sad because most of the time you forget Me and do not pray to Me, nor have recourse to Me. I want you, together with My beloved Marcos, to work to spread devotion to Me more, because I enjoy great favor with the Lord. And I can and want very much to help you and everyone to reach salvation.
To all of you at this moment I bless you with love and pour all the graces that the Lord has given Me upon you."
Daily Apparitions' broadcast direct from the Apparitions Shrine of Jacareí
Tuesdays to Fridays, 9:00pm | Saturdays, 3:00pm | Sundays, 9:00am
Weekdays, 09:00 PM | On Saturdays, 03:00 PM | On Sundays, 09:00AM (GMT -02:00)
1st Message of Saint Adelia - Jacareí, February 20, 2011
(Saint Adelia): "Beloved brothers of Mine! I, Adelia or Adelina, servant of the Lord and of Mary Most Holy greet you and give you Peace!
I in My life have loved the Lord with all My Heart, with all My strength, with all My soul and to the Lord I have given Myself with all that I was and had to serve Him, to make Him known and loved by all souls. And that with My efforts I might, beyond My soul, produce in souls a garden of rest for the Lord, so that in all of us He might rest, be pleased, and in us remain forever. Therefore, I invite you to be a retreat for the Lord, where He can truly rest, repose, entertain Himself with you, stay with you in the perfect union of soul and heart communicating to you His riches and His divine and heavenly beauties.
Be the perfect retreat for the Lord, living ever more the life of intense prayer, penance, meditation, continuing to say all the prayers that the Mother of God has commanded you Here. For these prayers have the faculty and the power to transform your souls into perfect retreat places for the Lord and the Lady in Heaven, where They can enter, remain with you, rest in you, and in you find Their delights, that is, find in you the love that quenches the thirst and hunger for love that They have of souls, can find in you the reflections of Their light, can find in you Their bestowed gifts and talents multiplied in fruits of good works and sanctification and more souls won for Them. Thus in you God can truly rest, repose, rejoice and in you the Blessed Virgin can find the sweetest fruits: of love, correspondence, generosity and total surrender to Her.
Be the Lord's perfect retreat, seeking ever more to detach your heart from the passing and illusory things of this world that take you away from God, that compete with the love of God within your heart. So that then, your love unmixed with anything earthly, unmixed with any earthly love can be pure, pure for the Lord, pure for Mary Most Holy, pure as They want it, pure as They hope to receive from you. And so, They can also give their pure love totally to you until it fills you up and makes you overflow to other souls.
Be the Lord's perfect retreat, answering your yes to Him so that He can turn the desert of your souls into a garden, an oasis, a resting place where He can rest in the shade of your love, drinking from the water of your generosity and your faith, eating the fruits of your good works, of your complete surrender to Him. And so, may the Lord fix His definitive abode in you and transform you into that Royal Garden where He, the King of Heaven, may come to meet you, converse and entertain you as He did at the beginning of creation, strolling in the Garden of Eden in the afternoon looking for Adam and Eve to entertain Himself with them. So too, God can come to live with you, can entertain you, can unite with you, and you can live in His true friendship.
I, Adelia, promise to help you with My powerful intercession and prayer to the Lord and to Mary Most Holy, so that you will become this beautiful place of retreat and rest for the Lord. I recommend that you wear all the Medals that the Blessed Virgin has given you in Her Apparitions, especially the Medal of Peace and the Medal of Tears that She gave here on your Earth, on Brazilian Earth, so that through these two Medals the Lord's grace can always more transform you into a place of retreat and rest for Him and for Mary Most Holy. And so, you can receive in you a great influx of graces attracted by these Heavenly Medals that you should wear with all your love, with all your devotion and your faith.
Through these Medals many graces from the Lord are drawn to your souls to purify them, to beautify them, to perfume them, and to incense them with heavenly grace from Heaven.
Through these Medals many temptations of the devil are removed from you, and the Angels are drawn to you with hands full of blessings from the Lord to pour over you many times a day. Therefore, My beloved brethren, wear these Medals with confidence and never part with them, so that God's grace, Her inflow will never be interrupted in your soul and life either! God has given you these shields, God has given you these heavenly magnets, which are these Holy Medals, to attract to you all good and all grace, for the salvation of your souls. Use this grace that is great and that the Lord has given you, for your salvation, and render Him and Mary most holy glory and praise.
If only this grace had been given to Me in My time. Oh, what thanks and praise I would have rendered to the Lord! What wonders of conversion and sanctification would not have been wrought in My time. But this great grace has been given to you for these final times, and you do not know how to give thanks, you do not know how to recognize the great good, the great gift that the Lord and Mary Most Holy have given you.
Open your hearts, expand them in hymns of love, of praise, of gratitude to God and to His Blessed Mother who have favored you so much, who have enriched you so much in those blessed Apparitions of Jacareí, which are the greatest proof of the love of the Lord and of the Blessed Virgin after the Incarnation for all humanity.
Open your hearts and give them honor, glory and praise for a holy life, for the perfect fulfillment of the Lord's will. I will be with you at every moment of your life, and I will never, ever leave you.
To all of you, in this blessed, special and very favorite month of Heaven, the month of February, of great graces and gifts to humanity from the Lord and His Mother.
To everyone in this blessed month, I bless generously now. And especially to you Marcos, the hardest working, most dedicated of the Lord's Mother's children, the hardest working and dearest of My brothers.
Peace to you all."
December 24 - Saint Adelia or Adele of Pfalzel
Germanic oral tradition tells us that Adelia or Adele was the younger sister of Ermina, both princesses, daughters of the king of Austrasia, Dagobert II the Good. Today, all are venerated on altars as saints of the Church, although this kinship is a matter of controversy and is therefore being researched.
Adelia has also been identified as the abbess Adola, to whom Elfrida, abbess of the Monastery of Streaneshalch, is said to have sent a letter. Also as Adula, "religious matrona nobilis," who stayed at the Monastery of Nivelles on March 17, 691, with an infant son.
It is said that Adelia, after the death of her husband, Alderico, an influential nobleman of the region, decided to retire to religious life. To this end, she founded the Monastery of Pfalzel, in the region of Trèves, now Germany, where she entered and was the first abbess. She chose the Rules of the Benedictine monks, as did the monasteries of Ohren and of Nivelles, the former founded by her sister, the future saint Ermina.
At the monastery, there was a frequent guest, the grandson of the abbess, a clever and vivacious boy. His name was Gregory. Since he knew Latin, he was in charge of reading aloud the sacred texts while the nuns were in the refectory. One day in 722, an English monk named Boniface, who was returning from his first mission in Friesland, passed by the monastery. He was welcomed as a guest, even though he was not known, just as everyone was in the refectory, where the young Gregory was reading a beautiful page from the Gospel in Latin.
When the reading was finished, Boniface approached him and expressed his compliments, but asked him to explain what he had just read. Gregory tried to repeat the reading, but Boniface stopped him, asking the young man to explain in his own language. It turned out that, even though he read Latin very well, he could not understand what the text actually said. "Let me explain it to everyone here," said the strange monk. He explained the Latin text so clearly, commented on it in such depth and in such a convincing way that he left all the listeners spellbound.
The most affected of all was Gregory, to the point that he no longer wanted to part with the monk no one knew where he was from. Despite her grandmotherly concerns, Adelia allowed her grandson to leave alongside Boniface, trusting in his religious intuition and Divine Providence. Many years later, Gregory became the bishop of Utrecht and was one of Boniface's best disciples, the "apostle of Germania" and a saint of the Church.
Adelia died shortly thereafter, on an uncertain day in the month of December 734, and was buried in the Monastery of Pfalzel. More than eleven centuries later, in 1868 her relics were transferred to the parish church of St. Martin.
The liturgical service in memory of St. Adelia of Pfalzel has been authorized by the Church. There are two celebrations in December: on the 18th, with a local feast; on the 24th, together with St. Ermina, who is undoubtedly her sister in faith.