Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Message of Mary Most Holy
(Mary Most Holy): My dear children, today, again I invite you to pray with love. You are far from prayer with love and much further from holiness.
In this holy time of penance and conversion you must open your hearts more and more to God through prayer with your heart, seeking to pray always more and better with love, concentration, depth, love and thirst for God.
If you pray like this, your prayer will be alive and will truly lead you to inner change, to become better people, to overcome laziness, to overcome spiritual shyness, to overcome attachment to your opinions, your will and your judgments. You will also have the inner strength to renounce self-government, the rebelliousness that is so characteristic of your generation, and truly, you will be able to give to God the true 'yes', the definitive 'yes', the total 'yes', the total surrender of yourselves to Him, to fulfill His will and Mine always wherever you are.
Understand little children, that without praying perfectly with your heart and with love, you will never be able to understand what you need to be holy. You will never be able to see your own defects, your laziness, your spiritual shyness, your attachment to your wills, your opinions and your way of judging. And you will never be truly free, free to do God's will with perfection as He wants.
Try to do the motto of my Geraldo Majella, your motto: 'Here the will of God is done as He wants, when He wants and how He wants. And how did my Geraldo Majella do this will? Always renouncing his will, his opinions, his judgments. Not even in prayers and spiritual exercises did he do what he wanted, when he wanted or how he wanted. He always did what his superior or the rule dictated, so he always did God's will and never his own.
That is why he became a saint in such a short time, because he learned to pray well with his heart, to meditate deeply. And then he understood that he could only be a true saint, the one who renounces his will, his opinion, his will at all times, even in spiritual things, to do the will of God that is expressed by his Word, by his Law of Love, by the superiors who sometimes do it with you, with you, and also by the motions of his Grace.
And here this will of God is manifested to you directly from the Most High through Me, who am your Superior and your Teacher. Here I tell you how and when to pray, what to meditate on, how to proceed, how to walk.
If you are docile to My Voice you will grow quickly in holiness, as My Geraldo grew. When he was sick he understood that what God wanted from him, God's will for him, was that he would serve Him no longer with public prayers, with counseling and with alms, but on his bed of pain offering his suffering to God for the salvation of sinners. And so, in peace he suffered every day of his life until the day I came to take him to Heaven with Me. Thus, the saints sanctified themselves easily by doing God's will as He wanted, in the hour He wanted. And when He sent them suffering they also recognized in Him the will of God for that moment.
May you also be like this little children and may you prepare yourselves by becoming more and more converted each day and seeking holiness and perfection, because the three days of darkness are very close. And in those days many will cry out Lord, Lord, save us! But it will be already too late, because the time given by God for the conversion of the world and for the world to return to Him through the path of prayer, change of life, conversion, virtues will already be over.
Then the demons will seize their prey in a ferocious hunt and take their souls directly to hell, where they will suffer for all eternity.
Don't be yourselves the number of these unfortunate ones, My children! Do not neglect prayer and sacrifice, because if you do it immediately the enemy will seize your souls and print on your souls his mark, the six hundred and sixty-six, the 666. And then, my children, he will take possession of your spirits and take you one day with him into the eternal flames, where he will torture you for all eternity.
Do not neglect prayer and penance, for he who does so will die eternally.
I bless you all with love from Lourdes, Fatima and Jacari".