Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Only the Humble Can Believe

Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace communicated to the seer Marcos Tadeu Teixeira
"Dear children, today I call you all again to prayer. Without prayer you cannot reach Heaven. Without prayer you cannot understand why you were created and what you are here for in this world.
With prayer everything will become clear to you, and you will understand the immense love with which God created you and placed you in this world so that you can know and feel His love and in knowing Him, love Him and in loving Him you can receive the grace of salvation in Him and from Him.
Only through prayer can you understand my words and my son Marcos said very well:'Only the humble is able to believe.'
Only the humble soul is able to believe in my words, as little children believe in their mothers' words and trust them totally, with all their hearts, and let themselves be led and carried by them in their arms.
Only the humble soul is able to believe in my messages and let itself be led and carried by me in my arms. Therefore, become very small and humble souls, so that they can believe in my words and let themselves be carried by me in my arms to Heaven, to God along the road of prayer and holiness.
Keep praying my Rosary every day!
Satan is strong and now in the final phase of the struggle between him and I want to attack the world with even more violence and fury. But don't be afraid! Because with the Rosary you can neutralize it completely.
The more thirds you pray, the more Rosaries you pray, the more Satan's strength will be neutralized and turned against himself. And so you will get great victories for yourselves and for God.
My little son Marcos, go ahead! Keep making the movies of my Apparitions, my meditated Rosaries and my Hours of Prayer.
People will one day love you and will recognize how much good you have done them, but the doors of Hell will already be closing behind them and it will be too late. They will one day become wise souls, but they will already be in Hell doomed and will not be able to return to the body to practice good, obey my messages and do everything I ask here.
But, you, do not be discouraged! Do not be discouraged by these foolish, blind, hardhearted souls.
Forward! Keep spreading my light, my grace all over the world.
Keep showing the world all the greatness, all the beauty of my Apparitions and my messages, because the humble souls who are able to believe will believe, will rejoice and give their hearts to me, and then in them I will triumph and through them I will renew the whole world and I will bring forth in the place of this world completely filled with Satan and sin, I will bring forth a new world of peace, of love for God that will be filled with light, holiness and divine grace.
So, my son, go ahead! Go forward bringing light to souls thirsty for light. My enemy strikes you and tries to discourage you through people's incredulity, their spiritual blindness, their hardness of heart, the bad will of so many others who do not want to collaborate with the work of salvation that I have with you.
But don't be discouraged, even if only with you I will triumph! But my warrior, my servant cannot let go of the sword! My servant cannot fall! Because otherwise everything will collapse and the punishments will fall on the world, and I will no longer be able to argue with divine justice, to prevent the punishments from falling.
My warrior, although wounded, must ride, must continue to fight for me.
Forward, my son! And don't mind the foolish souls who will only become wise, grateful and recognized to you and me when the gates of Hell close behind them.
Don't care about those souls. Go in search of the sensible souls, who have the vision of the soul clear and can see my light. Take my light to them.
Unfortunately for the foolish souls it will be too late. They will say in Hell, 'Oh, woe to me! If only I had believed that Lady, her messages, and what that seer of hers said. And Satan will say to them, 'Too bad you didn't listen to them, now it will be too late!
They will repent for all eternity, but that will be their punishment. You go on taking my light to those who want to be children of light, of the light of the Lord.
Forward, my children! My Immaculate Heart will triumph! Everything is already written and now you must follow all the chapters of this great war between me and my adversary that will lead to the final triumph of my Immaculate Heart.
Then the Church will be restored, the world will be renewed. And finally, all humanity will know a new and indescribable time of peace, happiness, love for God and holiness over all nations.
Continue praying the Rosary of my Tears every day.
Give 3 films Voices from Heaven 12for my children who do not know, and also give 3 Hours of Peace 29for my children who do not know me, so that they will know my glories, my love and my goodness and thus be converted and that save.
My Immaculate Heart is with you and never abandons you, never will I leave you!
Pray! Pray! And pray!
I bless you all with love now: from Medjugorje, from Lourdes and from Jacareí".