Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
I cry because you don't do what I ask you to do to ward off the terrible punishments
(Marcos): Forever be praised: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Message of Our Lady Queen and Messenger of Peace
"Dear children, today, when you celebrate here the anniversary of my last Apparition in Fatima, confirmed by the miracle of the Sun, I come again to tell you:
Continue praying the Rosary every day and no longer offend God who has already been greatly offended.
Renew the prayer in your lives and put the prayer of the Rosary in the first place, because only then will God approach you, you will feel his presence and mine in prayer and then your hearts will understand what is God's will for you, what is my will and you will be able to follow then the path of holiness that will lead you to God.
Do not offend God anymore, neither with sins nor blasphemies, and serve the Lord every day with love, prayer, faithfulness and obedience.
Pray that the whole world will understand my love and accept my love.
Pray for my seers, for the spread of my messages and that they may perfectly fulfill the mission I have given them.
Pray that you too may be able to fulfill the mission that is incumbent upon each one of us for the salvation of humanity.
If there were more souls with the heart of an apostle the world would already have been converted and saved.
I wish for more apostles to take my messages to the whole world for the conversion and salvation of sinners. Only when the world lives the messages I gave at Fatima will God bless the world with peace.
I cry because you do not do what I ask you to do to ward off the terrible chastisements I announced at Fatima.
I suffer because every hour a child of mine moves away from me and is lost and there is almost no one to help me save souls with prayers, sacrifices and the spreading of my messages.
I rejoice when a soul says yes to me and becomes my apostle to bring my messages of love to the world.
Go! Take my messages to the world! Give the world the films that my son Marcos made of my Apparitions at Fatima and together give people my image, the image of my Apparition at Fatima. Then the message of Fatima will be better known and lived and my children will truly give me their hearts.
Spread also my image of the Mystical Rose as I appeared in Montichiari with the film that my little son Marcos made and Trezena. The salvation of humanity depends on it!
Thanks to the Thirteen that my son Marcos made and the films of my Apparitions, my meditated Rosaries, one day my Immaculate Heart will triumph!
I bless you all with love and especially you, my little son Marcos. Thank you for offering the sacrifice of your headache tonight that was so intense for the salvation of souls. You saved 62,312 souls tonight!
Forward, my little martyr, my little suffering angel! Continue offering the sacrifices in union with my pains and tears for the salvation of so many souls in need.
Tonight, that night, you also achieved for your father Carlos Thaddeus 1,200 new graces.
Continue taking my messages to the world and spreading my messages, my Apparitions, because when you have spread a certain number of messages, then my power will be so great that it will bring down the empire of Satan.
To all I bless with love now: from Montichiari, Lourdes, Fatima and Jacareí".
(Mary Most Holy): "My children, pray for 4 days in a row the meditated Rosary No. 156 and give it to 3 of my children who do not know it. I bless you all again to be happy and leave my peace".
Come and take part in the Sunday sceneries at 10 a.m. Estrada Arlindo Alves Vieira, 300 - Bairro Campo Grande - Jacareí - SP Cel/Whatsapp: (12) 99701-2427