Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jesus said: “My son, it is good for you to be here feeling the beauty of My Transfiguration, as in the Gospel reading of today. This beautiful spiritual feeling is like the little taste of heaven that you experience at daily Mass in receiving Me in Holy Communion. You are seeing Me transfigured into My Body and My Blood from bread and wine at the Consecration time of the Mass. This was a sign to My apostles of My glorified Body that I would return in at My Resurrection after My death. It is also a preview for all of My faithful that you will come back in your glorified body after the final judgment. This is your goal to be with Me one day in heaven in your glorified body forever and ever. Being with Me in heaven is greater than all of your most desired experiences that you could ever have on earth. Give praise and thanks to your Lord that I died for your sins so you can come to heaven.”
Source: ➥