Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many deacons and helpers who assisted My apostles in My Early Church. St. Luke and St. Mark are not only evangelists, but they were some of the early workers as well. It was the Acts of the Apostles that has given you much information about how My Church was started and how the Gospel was proclaimed with healings and signs as in My own ministry. I protected My apostles for a while, but eventually they were martyred except for St. John. This kind of persecution will be revisited as you approach the time of the tribulation with the Antichrist. Even despite this persecution, I want My faithful to evangelize as many souls as possible because you have little time left before the Antichrist declares himself. This vision of the flooded car in the street is a sign that your weather is going to become more violent with more destruction. A good portion of this increase will be man-made by the HAARP machine. You normally see shifts in your weather from the cold and warm waters of the Pacific Ocean. Now you are seeing unusual jet streams coming closer to the earth, and stronger tornadoes and hurricanes than usual. Be prepared for such events again with your stored food, water, and blankets. Even your temperatures have been swinging back and forth from hot to cold. See these things as signs of the end times coming closer.”
Jesus said: “My people, today you have been admiring the beauty of nature in My flowers and trees. Each flower has its own special shape, color, and even pleasing aromas as in the lilacs. When you look at human beings, there is not only a pleasing appearance, but you are interacting with loving the inner spirit that I placed in each body. This is how you come to love your wife or your husband, as you want to do all that you can for each other. A married couple shares a deeper personal love that is more than a casual friendship. The two become one flesh as I created Adam and Eve. When you see pictures or visions of Me as a human being, you are seeing a pure Spirit without sin. Your love for Me is on an agape spiritual level which even goes beyond human love. I desire to have a deep loving personal relationship with each soul because I created you as an extension of My love. Once you are with Me in heaven, you will experience a peace and such a personal love for Me that you will even become one with Me. When I have given you such an experience, you did not want to return to this life. This life is a test of your faith in Me, and it is also a place to work on perfecting your love for Me. Every time that you visit Me in Adoration or receive Me in Holy Communion, you have a small taste of heaven, and My deep personal love for you.”
Source: ➥