Messages to John Leary in Rochester NY, USA
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ of February 19 to 25, 2025

Wednesday, February 19, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Book of Genesis how I brought the Great Flood to kill all of the evil people on the earth. I spared Noah and his family in a large ark with the animals. My Creation was renewed and I made a covenant with My rainbow not to flood the earth again. I gave you messages of another cleansing of evil with My coming Comet of Chastisement, but I will spare My faithful at My refuges as they will be protected by My angels. I will also prevent man from destroying the whole world from any nuclear war. Trust in Me for My protection from the evil ones, as they will be cast into hell at the end of the tribulation. Then I will renew the earth and you will be brought into My Era of Peace with no evil.”
Jesus said: “My people, remember that every soul that is condemned to hell has chosen to go there of their own free will. These are people who have chosen not to pray to Me, and they avoid coming to church on Sunday. You are speaking of spiritually lazy people who do not follow My Commandments, and they refuse to repent of their sins. They do not seek My forgiveness as well. It is difficult to convert such people even when you try and reach out to save them. Many people are distracted by the care for riches and an easy life of worldly comforts. Your soul is your most important possession, and you are only here in this life for a short time so you can love Me and love your neighbor as yourself. You can show your love for Me in your daily prayers, Mass, and Adoration. You need to cleanse your soul of your sins in Confession. You can try to help souls avoid hell by praying and fasting for them. Even having Masses offered for them can help. Most important is that you can give your good example as a faithful Christian to help them see how to be saved through Me. Loving people and caring for them will also show them how to live a life pleasing to Me.”
Thursday, February 20, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, after the Great Flood killed all of the evil people, Noah was told to be fertile and multiply with children and subdue the earth. This started a new creation with all of the animals and plants that were food for man. I made a covenant with man that I would not flood the earth with water again, and the rainbow in the sky is a sign of this covenant. In the Gospel I asked My apostles who I am, and St. Peter said: ‘Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ I told My apostles to not reveal this to the people because it is My Messianic secret. It was My Father in heaven who revealed My identity to St. Peter. My faithful also know of My Divinity as the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You receive Me into your soul when you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. You are blessed to have Me with you at all times.”
Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, I want you to read about the seven trumpets in the Book of Revelation (Rev chap 8-10) These trumpets are a warning to get prepared for the coming tribulation time of the Antichrist. At the proper time I will send out My inner locution for My faithful to leave for My refuges of protection.”
Jesus said: “My people, all of those people, who came tonight, are being blessed for coming out in this winter cold and snow. I will send My angels to protect you from harm on the roads. I hear all of your prayer intentions, and I will answer them in My way and in My time.”
Jesus said: “My people, your President has stopped your open border, and he is starting a remain in Mexico policy as in his first term. There is also a movement to deport criminal illegal immigrants who are committing crimes in your country. The money for these immigrants will be cut back so American citizens get better treatment than these illegal immigrants. It is not fair that these illegal immigrants should get more financial help than your own citizens. Pray for this justice in your country.”
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many dead people who are still receiving Social Security payments. Many departments have fraud, waste, and abuse that is being uncovered by these DOGE workers. This is almost like an audit or oversight that Congress should have been looking at to sunset programs that should have stopped years ago. Pray that your people should work to fix these injustices.”
Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a good time of the year to help improve your spiritual life. You mentioned that you could start fasting between meals on Wednesday and Friday to prepare you for Lent. By restraining your body’s appetite for food, it can help you to also restrain your sinful actions as well. By having your soul control your body’s desires, you can be stronger in denying any of your habitual sins.”
Jesus said: “My son, I told you that I would heal your wife’s cancer, so I am assuring you that her operation will be successful. Your prayers will still be directed for this cure. Trust in Me in faith and this healing will happen.”
Jesus said: “My son, I hear all of your prayer requests for health problems in your family. I see some of you have cancer and other health problems. I know it is difficult to do your mission when you are suffering from cancer or other problems. Keep working on your missions, despite any difficulties on the way. I will give you the grace to endure any cancer or sickness. Trust in Me to heal any health problems.”
Friday, February 21, 2025: (St. Peter Damien)
Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Genesis the people on the earth all spoke one language, and they built a city and the Tower of Babel. Because of their pride and a desire to not spread all over the earth, I confused this people with many languages. Then they spread all over the earth. In today’s world you see man building many towers as the skyscrapers in your cities. In the vision you are seeing an earthquake cause the destruction of these buildings. You have occasional severe earthquakes, but the coming earthquakes will be more severe than normal, as a sign of the end times along with famine and pandemic viruses. Be prepared to come to My refuges of protection when I call you, before the tribulation begins.”
Jesus said: “My people, your people in America are on the brink of a possible war with Russia and China. Your recent changing of language to accept Taiwan as independent, has China upset as they are continuing to send planes and ships around Taiwan. Trump is also trying to stop the war in the Ukraine because he does not want to keep sending arms to the Ukraine. Europe is sending arms, but it is a loan to be paid back. If Russia chooses to keep fighting, this could expand the war in the Ukraine. Pray that the war in the Ukraine can be stopped.”
Saturday, February 22, 2025: (Chair of St. Peter)
Jesus said: “My people, I gave the keys of the Kingdom to the care of St. Peter who was the rock for forming My Church. My apostles helped spread the faith in Me all over the world. You have seen My protection of My Church through the succession of Popes over the years. Now Pope Francis is in bad health and he could even die of his pneumonia. Pray for his health, or you may see another Pope may have to be chosen. The Chair of St. Peter needs to be filled with a Pope as a leader of My Church.”
Jesus said: “My people, America has sent billions of dollars worth of weapons to the Ukraine with very little oversight of how this money and weapons were used. Trump does not want to spend more money on this war, and many thousands of soldiers have already been killed on both sides. Trump is even trying to get some minerals out of the Ukraine in payment for what America has already spent on this war. Stopping this war may not get back any land that Russia has taken. Pray for the peace talks to be successful in stopping this war.”
Sunday, February 23, 2025:
Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you a vision of a cave which could be used as a place of refuge. You have been getting some last minute freeze dried fruits and vegetables for your refuge. This will give you more of a variety for Me to multiply for your people during the coming tribulation. You are praying for peace in the Ukraine war with Russia, and the war in Gaza with Hamas and Israel. You also are seeing Trump trying to save your country from falling into bankruptcy by cutting back on your deficits by reducing your spending. Be prepared at your refuge because you could see a world war or another pandemic virus.”
Monday, February 24, 2025:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the Scriptures how I prayed over people and I cast out many demons by My Word because My power as the Son of God is greater than these created demons. My apostles were given the power to also cast out demons, but this one time they were not successful. So I told them that this demon was stronger, and this demon required prayer and fasting to be cast out. In every healing and in every exorcism you need to call on My power to heal and cast out demons. By having faith in My healing power, it will be done for you in My way and in My time. Give praise and thanks to Me for all of My healing of both body and spirit.”
Jesus said: “My son, you are realizing that Carol has been healed of her breast cancer through Dr. Yellen’s operation. You are thanking Me for this healing as I had promised you. When you pray to Me for a healing, you are trusting in faith that I will bring it about as I promised. My son, I have told you also that you will be healed as well. You may have to go through some trials, but offer up all of your suffering for the souls of your family, and for the souls in purgatory.”
Tuesday, February 25, 2025:
Jesus said: “My son, in the first reading from Sirach it mentions how people will encounter misfortunes in this life, and you need to trust in Me to help you through your trials. Some of your family members are experiencing cancers and physical injuries. You have even been tested with hackers on your computers, and your accounts. It is not easy to deal with sufferings and trials, but with Me, who can be against you? I help you through even the worst of your trials, so you can be thankful that I will solve your problems, and I will heal your health problems as well. When you trust in Me for everything, you have nothing to fear.”
Source: ➥