Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, December 8, 2012
The transformation is coming soon!
- Message No. 6 -
My child. Everything will be all right. Trust. My Son is faithful to you. He wants to guide you. Trust in Him and never be afraid. We are always with you. We guide and protect you.
My child. Your place is in Spain. We need you there. The transformation will happen, and for that We need you. Just be there. Your circle will become bigger and bigger. Great things will happen. We see the transformation and the aspiration of many hearts.
Your world today is like a vacuum. Emptiness. Nothing or very little for the soul. Many hearts feel this, and they want to "break out" of this vacuum because it does not fulfill them. They don't know yet how to heal their soul, but it will happen soon.
When the transformation comes, many souls will feel better. Look forward to that time, and always see the good. The division of good and evil will happen soon, and when it does, be sure that Our Father, God Most High, will not wait long for His Divine intervention.
All will be well, My children.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven
Source: ➥