Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Tell the world that I will redeem it soon.
- Message No. 41 -
My beloved daughter. It is I, your Jesus. I love you very much. Tell the world that I will soon redeem them. Tell them, My children, your brothers and sisters, that the time, the time of My second coming, is now near.
No soul will be able to hide from Me. All of you will see and recognize Me as the One I Am. Do not be afraid, for I love each one of you. Especially you sinners, you poor, poor sinners. Come all of you to Me, your Jesus, and I will free you from your suffering that has afflicted your soul through sin. Even more, I will forgive your sins and take you to My Kingdom as soon as the time is right.
My beloved daughters and sons. I, your Jesus, who suffered and died for you on the cross, will come to you and visibly give you My love. Accept it. Accept Me, for only through Me can you be freed from the clutches of evil and enter into eternal life with Me. Confess Me, My beloved children, and I promise you a life of love, joy and glory. Never be afraid, for I love you. Your Jesus
Source: ➥