Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Do not squander your chance, for soon mercy must give way to justice
- Message No. 72 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell all Our children to prepare themselves. The events announced to you are "at the door" and will soon arrive, so be warned and repent.
My child. All those of you who are pure in heart have nothing to fear. But those who are in deep sin have the chance of a life of joy and love with God only through repentance. For this they must let My Son, your Jesus, into their hearts. All those children of yours who refuse will experience severe suffering. Their souls will "stew" and many will "fall victim" to hell. "Damned for all eternity" is what awaits these souls.
My children, those who are good hearted of you, but do not (yet) know My Son, will now get the chance to convert to Him. Don't squander it(the chance), because otherwise it will cost you your "freedom" too. The snares of the devil are everywhere, and every soul that denies My Son goes into their (the evil one's) net.
Come to Jesus, My beloved children. He is your only chance to live in peace. He will take you to the New World. When "heaven comes to earth" and everything becomes One, then, My beloved children, you will know how great is the reward promised to you, of which you have been told so much. Follow Jesus, and you will be richly rewarded.
My children. My beloved children. He, your Jesus, My Son, loves you with all His Being. Come to Him, for He is waiting for you. For each one of you. And He does not judge, but gives mercy. But do not wait too long, for soon mercy must give way to justice, so turn back before the great judgment begins.
I love you, My children. Your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child, for writing for Me. I love you. Amen.
Source: ➥