Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, March 29, 2013
- 1st Good Friday Message.
- Message No. 78 -
My joyful message My child. My dear child. Today is a day of joy, for so many of Our beloved children remember My Son who died for you to redeem the sins of all God's children. I rejoice because there are far more who have found their way to Him since the beginning of this wonderful mission that Our visionary children have undertaken for Us worldwide.
It is wonderful to see how many of Our children have already been converted, and the joy in Heaven is great! Therefore, for Me, as Mother of all God's children, this oh so sad and painful day, the brutal execution of My Son so beloved by Me, is also a day of joy, because of precisely these so numerous conversions of Our children worldwide.
Therefore, My beloved child, you see Me radiant with joy, because every child who finds his way to Us gives Us joy and happiness!
My child. Do not misunderstand Me. This Easter is a very special one. Never before has the number of My beloved Son's followers been so great as today. This fills My Mother's heart, because just like you in humanity, I feel the meaning of this mission more than 2000 years ago, when My beloved Son departed from Me in agony. This pain is hard to describe, for My love for Him was so deep, so intimate and so pure, and never would I have wanted to let Him go had it not been the express wish, the plan of God, for the salvation of all His beloved children. When My Son was taken from Me, I too would have loved to die. It tore My heart apart what was happening (to Him), and yet it had to be that way. The agony, the suffering, the mockery pierced not only My Son's heart, but also Mine, and so Our hearts joined forever, for eternity.
My beloved children, despite all this anguish, pain and suffering that My Son took upon Himself for all of you, I, as the Mother of all God's children, can rejoice today because of all these wonderful conversions worldwide. Every soul that finds its way to My Son brings Us this joy and happiness, as I have said before. I love all My children, and after My Son, from the cross, made Me the Mother of all God's children, My heart, despite sorrow and suffering, filled with the purest love for all of you. Therefore, it is such a joy for Me as Mother Jesus and Mother of all God's children to see you gradually converting to Him, to Jesus. Thus, all My children are united and My Mother's heart is filled with joy.
My children, continue to pray for all your brothers and sisters so that all God's children may find Jesus. So much has happened during this Holy Week. If you could see it, your joy would be great! I thank you, My beloved children.
United in eternal love. Your Mother in Heaven.
Thank you, My child.
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