Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, May 31, 2013
Why the weather is so messed up.
- Message No. 158 -

My child. My dear child. This purification is so much needed. My beloved children. Do not grieve because of the weather you are having, for it is God the Father who gives purification to all His children, even though most of them once again do not want to know it.
If only you knew how terrible the sin is that weighs on your earth, you would immediately understand why the weather is so messed up. It is a gift to all God's children to repent, to fix and cleanse what is wrong in your lives.
Wake up, My dear children, and repent! Confess Jesus, My Holy Son, and refrain from trying to play God yourselves. You are playing with fire and thus granting the devil entrance into your soul.
Wake up and turn back! Trust in Jesus. ON HIM ONLY! Then, My beloved children, the natural balance of your earth, willed and created by God, can be restored and all God's children can live together in peace and harmony.
Begin and take the first step. God the Father and Jesus are waiting for you with open arms. What are you waiting for? Whoever does not repent, does not confess My Son, will perish. The lake of fire will be his last station and torment and chastisement his eternity. Is this what you want? Is that what you really want?
Do not fall for the lies of the devil, do not fall for his dark and disgusting machinations. Purify yourselves! Repent and do penance! Only in this way will you attain the Kingdom of My Son, only with Him will you gain entrance into the New Paradise.
Do not wait any longer and give your YES to Jesus. Then, My so beloved children, the promise will also come true for you, and blessedly you will enter the New Paradise, the New Jerusalem.
So be it.
Your ever-loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all God's children.
Thank you, My child.
"Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not repent will be forsaken.
Whoever does not find his way to Me will be lost.
Whoever does not give Me his YES, I will not be able to take him.
So come to Me, My so beloved brothers and sisters, and give yourselves completely to Me, your Jesus. Then I will take care of you and be with you forever.
So be it.
Your Jesus who loves you so much.
Savior of all God's children."
Thank you, My daughter so loved by Me.
Source: ➥