Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Time is passing faster than you think - and very soon this world will come to an end.
- Message No. 176 -
My child. My dear child. Do not despair. Tell all Our children that it will not take much longer. Time is passing; faster than you think, and soon, very soon, this world will come to an end. Believe and trust.
The devil works very actively. Small and big traps he sets for all God's children. Especially to Our faithful servants, that is you, My beloved children, who give their lives to Jesus, who give their YES to HIM, he attacks incessantly.
Trust and believe. Then nothing can happen to you. Do not fall into the traps of the evil one. Do not let yourselves be provoked. Should you weaken, make a mistake and fall into one of the many traps set for you by the adversary, do not grieve, but get up, repent and do better next time.
Remorse does you no good. They drag you down, and the devil laughs because he rejoices in it. Bring it before God, before Jesus and to Us. Only in this way can you come into peace. Only in this way can you go your way to God the Father and serve Him. Never despair. Mistakes are humanand as I told you before, you have to clear them up so that there is no burden, no misunderstanding and no talking.
Stand by your mistakes and apologize when necessary. Never be afraid. God loves you even if you sin, because you are human children, created by God, and you are ALL fallible. Always try to be good and do not be discouraged when you have failed. Do better next time and stay away from sin.
It is your heart and intention that God the Father sees and by which HE judges. That is, whoever had no evil intention, He will not be angry with him. Whoever has fallen into a set trap and reflects, i.e. realizes what he has done, repents and atones, God the Father forgives him.
God, Our Father, is a loving Father. HE is always there for you, and HE desires that all His children come to HIM. So do not be defeated when you sin, but do not repent and repeat the sin.
I love you, My dear, dear children. I want to lead each one of you back to God the Father and to the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus. Then, My beloved children, we will all be united as a family and you will live happily and in love with each other. The devil will then have no more power over you, because he will be defeated by My Son. So rejoice, because very soon this will happen.
I love you from the depths of My Mother's heart. Each one of you.
So be it.
Your loving Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God.
Source: ➥