Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, July 20, 2013
You must purify yourselves in your lifetime, otherwise you will be lost.
- Message No. 208 -

My child. My dear child. Keep writing for Me, your beloved Mother in Heaven, and always follow My call. Many children are yet to awaken, many souls are yet to be saved, and with the spreading of Our Word and your devoted prayer, atonement and sacrifice, this will be done and accomplished, for God's love for His children is great, His mercy infinite, but the day will come when all Our children will have to answer for their deeds, and whoever has not repented, has not atoned, has not purified and prepared himself, the devil will not give him up, and his soul will be imprisoned until it perishes, and it cannot be saved.
It is not the "wickedness" of God that condemns you, My so beloved children, for God is the purest, purest love, and neither wickedness nor condemnation come from HIM, the Creator who loves you so much, your Heavenly Father. Rather, it is you yourselves who cut yourselves off from HIM, who take or want to take your lives into your own hands, for whoever turns away from God the Father, His Lord and Creator, will fall prey to the devil, and it is he who will judge and condemn you according to the degree of your wickedness and homage to him that will bring you to eternal damnation.
God, your Father, is True Love, and patiently He waits for the return of all His children. Since the newly created paradise houses pure love, no one who is evil and contaminated by the devil can enter there, for that cannot be. You must purify yourselves while you are alive, for otherwise you will be lost. Many atonement souls sacrifice themselves, their health and their existence for deeply lost souls, so that they too have a chance to experience the glories of God.
Convert, My children, before it is too late! Only a pure, purified soul will be able to "bear" this purest love, which is God the Father. He who is polluted and stained with earthly sin, which comes from the devil, will not be able to endure the love of His Creator.
That is why, My so beloved children, for all the dying who did not leave your earth with a pure heart, but gave their YES to Jesus at the last minute, there is Purgatory. It is this purifying fire of God that makes it possible for these souls to enter His Kingdom of Heaven when they are then pure and purified.
My children. For these souls you must pray, for they are suffering torment and chastisement. The further they were from God, the worse they sinned, the more intensely their soul will now be exposed to the purifying flames of divine love, and this hurts the soul immensely. It suffers. Depending on the degree of its sin and aberration during its lifetime.
Therefore, My dear children, pray for these souls the prayer known to you No. 9 from Message No. 35, Book 1 and prepare your soul during your lifetime for the confrontation, the meeting with Jesus and God the Father, for only in this way will you save yourselves much suffering and agony and will be saved when the day of great joy reaches its climax. I love you. Each one of you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children.
"Thank you, My child, My daughter. It is very important that Our children know this and prepare their souls for the New World and life with Us, because where sin no longer exists and pure love is at home and reigns, there only the pure souls can be granted entrance.
Tell this to Our children, My daughter so beloved by Me. I love you.
Your Jesus and God the Father.
Creator of all God's children and Redeemer of the world."
Source: ➥