Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Beg Us, in all moments, for that is what We are here to help you!
- Message No. 253 -
My child, My flower, it is good that you have come. Today I want to instruct you and Our children, because many of them are not prepared. Many are "dreaming" to themselves and do not see the end of the present world coming upon them. Many do not want change, because they are afraid, but they do not ask themselves why they are afraid, because if they would trust in the Lord, there would be no fear at all for them.
You see, My dear children, how important it is to trust in Our Lord! Whoever listens to the Father, loves HIM, lives with HIM, will always be cared for and safe! Who trusts HIM and follows HIS Son, will always feel the love of the Father and the Son. Who gets involved with HIM, will never fall into fear and depression, because he will be safe and caught, loved, cared for and given joy. He will feel a great, ever-growing love, because the love of the Father, the love of the Son, and the purity of the Holy Spirit will be constantly given to him, and the Father sends out His saints and angels, and so he will never have to go his way alone again.
The Father provides for everything, My children, FOR EVERYTHING in your lives! Give your YES to the Son! Run into the arms of the Father! Come to the Mother of all children, Our Lady Mary, because SHE leads you to the Son, SHE intercedes for you at the throne of the Lord, SHE sends forth Her Holy Joseph, and thus you receive help and experience joy and miracles even in the world of work and everyday life!
Believe, My children, and trust! I, your Saint Bonaventure, as well as many, no all saints have already experienced all this during their lifetime! We tell you what life is like with Heaven on Earth, and Our chosen children, like Mary for the Divine preparation of hearts, proclaim to you Our Word, Our Wisdom, Our Experience and Our Love, but you must put all this into practice and LIVE IT!
Mary knows about the beauties of Heaven, she knows about Our Love, Our Joy and Our Help! She has changed her life completely, and she has put herself at Our service of her own free will. However, like most of you and like many of Us saints, she lived a "normal" life and did not know about these miracles that she can now experience. She said YES to Jesus, began to trust, and her faith and a long journey of her preparation led her to Us, to this venerable work, and filled and fill her with an indescribable love.
So, whoever also wants to live with Us on earth, who feels, sees and wants to repent of his own free will, start with YES to Jesus! We will help you on every stage of your way, but you must always trust and believe in Us!
Not YOUR will be done, but the will of the Father! Not what YOU want will happen through it, but God the Father will give you the path you need for your "growth", your "conversion", your "purification", your "cleansing" and your "preparation"! There may well be bumpy stretches, but they serve a purpose that only Heaven knows how to understand for now!
Don't give up right away, but hang in there! Let your faith grow and grow and grow! Pray, My children, and implore Us, in all moments that you yourselves are not able to interpret, to understand, because that is what We are here for! To help you, to love you, to please you, to guide you and to live with you!
Come, My beloved children, and begin to trust in Heaven! Then you will begin to walk this ever more beautiful path to the Father! Many miracles will happen to you, but you must not "expect" them, because every expectation can bring a disappointment, but you must see them, accept them and enjoy them, no matter how small, big or insignificant they may be for the world, because they are YOUR miracles that God the Father gives you, because HE loves you, cares for you and wants to make you happy.
So begin this wonderful journey and say the first YES to Jesus. Ask the Mother to lead you to Jesus, a little closer every day! Turn to Us, to your Holy Helpers, and believe in the Angels of the Lord! Through them, much harm will be kept away from you, and joy and gladness will be given to you. Begin the way, come and run to your Father.
I love you. I am always there for you.
Your Saint Bonaventure.
Thank you, My daughter.
Source: ➥