Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Not only do they want to rule you, but they also want to be lords over life and death!
- Message No. 314 -
My child. I am glad that you have come. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, would like to say this to you and to all Our children: the persecutions in your world are many, and the murders of innocent people will be rampant. Pray so that God the Father, Our Lord and Creator, may put a quick end to these atrocities, for great is the number of these crimes, and still greater shall it become, for those who rule your world want not only to rule you, but also to be lords over life and death, and this cannot be. Therefore, My children, pray so that these murders stop, and pray for the salvation of all your brothers and sisters, because every soul that converts will begin to do good. It will stay away from sin, and it will work for the good of all God's children. That is, every soul that has found My Son will no longer harm anyone, that is why, My beloved children, conversion is so important! No one who is "with God" will harm his brother, and no one who has given his YES to My Son will give his life to sin, and no one who has found the way to Us will be carried away by the beast, neither to such shameful deeds, nor to other vice and abomination. Therefore, My children, pray for the conversion of all God's children who have not yet found their way to HIM, the Almighty Father and His Son. Thus, do good to all your fellow human beings and help peace and love and goodness to spread on your earth and around you. My children. It is so easy to live in love with one another, yet you are tempted and blinded to the point of being contaminated by the devil. Open your hearts to the good, to the Lord, then peace will come to you, and you will feel the love of the Lord. My children. My so beloved children. Turn to God, your Father, and to Jesus, His only begotten Son. Then you will be on the path of everlasting love. So be it. I love you. Pray for the children. Your Mother in Heaven. Mother of all the children of God and Therese of the Child Jesus. "Amen, I say this to you: Whoever does not pray for his fellow brother, whoever thinks he must think only of himself, whoever thinks that everything is permissible in order to achieve his goals, has taken the wrong path.
He must repent and make atonement, admit his mistakes and repent. Then he must come before the Father, and he must ask HIM for forgiveness.
The forgiveness I, your Holy Jesus, give you in every confession. Therefore, come and use this sacrament. It will free you from the burden of sin and make your heart and soul light.
I, your Jesus, am always there for you. Therefore, ask Me to stand by you, to help and guide you, and consult Me and My Holy Spirit before you make decisions. Never be rushed, but consider and listen to your heart. Bring everything to Us, and We will help you. So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. Amen."
"My child. My Son is waiting for you. He wants to lead each one of you to Me and gave His life for it. His love for you is immeasurable, as well as His mercy. So give Him your YES and let your brother and Savior, Jesus Christ, save you.
I love each one of you with all My Divine Fatherly Love.
Your Father in Heaven who loves you so much.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen."
"The Lord has spoken, so follow His word. I, the angel of the Lord, say it to you. Amen. Angel of the Lord."
Thank you, My daughter.
"My children are dying. Pray for them. For everyone, worldwide"
Source: ➥