Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, December 27, 2013
The preparation time will soon be over now!
- Message No. 390 -

My child, My daughter, I, your Jesus, love you very much, and I thank you for all your work, dedication and love for Us. My Mother has chosen you because She knows your heart.
Love Her as one's own mother, for She is the Heavenly Mother of all Our children, and to Her is due love and honor and prayer. Respect Her and trust in Her, for She leads you to Me, to your Jesus.
My children. I await each one of you with open arms and lead all those of you who give Me your YES to the Father home. Then your soul can become happy and never again will it have to carry burdens.
My children. The time of the 1000 year peace is now very near, and still not all Our children are converted. Therefore, I call you to pray especially for the lost children (again), because only through your benevolent prayer will I be able to reach them too. Say the prayer to the Holy Spirit that We have given you for this purpose.
My children. There is not much time left, and the time of preparation will soon be over. Be ready for Me at all times, for no one knows the date when I will come to you, but the Father has revealed to Me, your Holy Jesus, that it will now be soon. So come to Me, all of you, purify yourselves and be good to one another, then nothing bad will be able to happen to you, and your joy in Me will be great.
Come, My children, come, for thus Our coming together will be a great feast. Amen.
So be it.
Your loving Jesus.
Savior of all God's children. And God the Father with Mary, your Heavenly Mother. Amen.
My child. Make this known, for it is of the utmost importance that Our children prepare themselves now.
Thank you, My child. Your mother in heaven. Amen.
Source: ➥