Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, January 27, 2014
It is your choice where to spend eternity!
- Message No. 426 -
My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I have to say to Our children today: Your life on earth is coming to an end, and it is your choice where you will spend eternity. The Lord has endowed you with Free Will, so use it in such a way that you save your soul, for only he who chooses My Son will be granted eternity at the Lord's side, but he who continues in pleasure, sin and vice, he, who does not confess to My Son, refuses HIS YES and prefers to choose a life of luxury and godlessness, be told that his soul will suffer, because the devil will steal it, for he has not confessed Jesus and is thus "fair game" for the demons of the underworld.
At the hour of his death they will come, then, when he (the man) is helpless and confused, and since he did not want to know about Jesus, did not prepare himself and his soul for the Lord, he will be caught by the demons of the underworld, who will push him directly into the lake of fire. Hell will be his abode, and there he will stew until the 1000 years of peace have passed. After that, there will be another decision, but nothing more can be revealed about that yet.
Now consider well, you wicked and blasphemous ones, how long 1000 years are. Your life on earth is nothing compared to it and already this one seems long and miserable to you. Therefore, whoever is in his right mind, confess the Lord now, because only with HIM you will reach the New Kingdom and eternity at the side of Our Father.
Think no longer and give your YES to Jesus, for soon the lands will perish and sin will be burned, and whoever does not bear the Holy Seal of God will suffer severe hardship.
Repent, do penance and confess the Lord, then your soul also has a claim to eternity with the Lord, but otherwise it will be hell in disgrace and shame and torment that will determine your eternity.
So be it.
Confess Jesus your Savior and become joyful and happy children of the Lord.
Your Mother in Heaven and the Angel of the Lord. Amen.
Source: ➥