Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Use your "silent weapons" !
- Message No. 477 -
My child. My dear child. It is so sad what is yet to come upon your earth, yet it must be so, for many children have not (yet) converted to My Son!
Your conversion can save so much! Your prayer can keep away so much disaster! Use your "silent weapons" that We, Heaven, give you and use them for good in your world!
These terrible wars have been planned by human hands for a long time, because they are part of the diabolical plan of the world takeover of the evil one. Only when things are really bad for you, the one who is appointed by the devil will intervene as a hero in your world events, and you, My children, will follow him rejoicing.
Look behind the scenes and begin to see the world events as they are: everything has been planned, prepared, initiated and carried out by the elite group down to the smallest detail!
You, who worship the devil, leave nothing to chance! Nothing that happens in your world was not planned by them before! They pull so skillfully their strings, position their people in highest positions and have already for a long time the switch levers in the hand.
Hundreds of years ago, when Freemasonry began, the plans for the world domination of the devil were already written. For a long time everything has been planned in advance under the skilful instruction of the serpent who wants to usurp the world throne!
My children. Open the eyes! Look! And do not be stupid! Do you really believe, you would be told and shown the truth by television, newspaper and other reporting? The backgrounds are completely different, and if a country goes into dispute with the other and then into the war, this was already planned with the beginning of the Freemasons and Illuminati so! They hold the strings of world events in their hands! All others are their dancing puppets, who have been promised a piece of the big cake!
Look, My children, and do not bury your heads in the sand! As soon as you look, really look, at what is happening and how it is happening, you will be ready! You will be ready to get off this merry-go-round and go your own way.
The only way out of this vicious circle is My Son! And the sooner you understand that, the sooner you will be happy again or finally!
My children! Whoever hides from the truth, My Son will not be able to help him. You must go out and face the facts. Then come to My Son, for HE will show you the right way! Or you can come directly to Jesus and get on the right path and -already strengthened and prepared by Jesus for even the worst truth- realize how your world is knitted!
My children. Only those who break out of the rut will attain the Kingdom of My Son, but those who prefer to do nothing, out of laziness, out of fear, out of excessive demands and out of whatever pretext, will be devoured by the devil and his demons.
Wake up! Come to Jesus and pray! Your prayer is the weapon you have to stop against all the wickedness, your prayer is the most powerful thing you have! Use it.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven. Amen.
"My child. Make this known. I love you."
--- "Pray for the children. They are suffering greatly."
St. Therese of the Child Jesus and Josep de Calassenç.
--- "Your world is in such a bad state. You must pray, My children." Saint Bonaventure (very, very sad).
--- "Pray for peace in your world and pray for the children. Amen."
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