Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Teach your children about Jesus!
- Message No. 611 -
My child. My dear child. There you are. Your sadness is needed. You are suffering for the children in the world who do not know Jesus, who are sick, who feel alone, who are looking for love and do not find it.
My children. Do something for the children in your world! Tell them about Jesus and include them in your Holy Masses, adorations and pilgrimages! Do good for them, because your children are your future! It does you no good to leave them on their own, because what you do not do for them now, they will hardly do for you when you are old and in need of help.
My children. Your future lies in your children, so treat them well, offer activities of ecclesiastical origin, that is, teach them about the life of Jesus through play, storytelling and small demonstrations, and guide them to live according to His teachings. Then they will have joy in the church, joy in faith, joy in religion -the teachings of the Lord and His commandments- and joy in the Lord, in Jesus. They will come close to HIM, and HE will always be part of their life, and so you give them, your little ones, the eternal happiness and joy and love of the Lord, and prepare them for what is important: a life with the Lord in the here and now and in eternity. Amen.
Teach your children about Jesus and teach them all that the Lord desires and provides. Your efforts will be rewarded, and the joy of your children will be great all their lives. Amen. So be it.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption, accompanied by Jesus and the Holy Angels of the Father. Amen.
God the Father is also there: "Your children are important. Protect them and teach them, for in them is your future. Amen."
"Whoever lives with My Son is never alone. So lead also and especially your children to HIM. Amen. Your Mother in Heaven and God the Father, who loves you all so much and awaits your return with open, loving Father arms. Amen."
Source: ➥