Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 4, 2014
Where Jesus dwells in the heart, love multiplies! - 03./
- Message No. 640 -
My child. My dear child. Write, My child. Listen to what I, your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much, want to say to the children of earth today: enjoy being together among like-minded people and always carry My Son in your hearts. In this way, love will increase among you, and Jesus will endow you with joy and gladness.
Keep away from those who do not want anything good, who are only concerned about their advantage, insist on their requests, because they do you no good, "close" your heart, and the love of My Son cannot increase.
But pray for them, My children, because through your prayer you can help these persons to also find the Lord and let His light shine in them. In this way, the heart of this person opens, and the love of My Son can flow through him and multiply.
My children. Always carry love in your hearts and be always united with Jesus. "In good days and in bad", because your life you should share with HIM, give it to HIM, give yourself to HIM, honor and praise HIM and pass on His teachings in word as well as in deed.
My children. Jesus is waiting for you! Jesus is always with you! But you must invite Him and let Him participate in your life.
Then, little children, Jesus will always be "among" you, i.e. when you join together, come together, then Jesus is also there, because where two are together in His name, there He is also, and there where Jesus dwells in the heart, there love increases.
My children. Say YES to Jesus, My Son, and beautiful will be your existence. Amen. With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption.
"I will come again tomorrow. Sleep now."
Source: ➥